Application of Super-long DX Pile in Soft Soil Foundation of a High-rise Building
摘要: DX桩是在钻、冲孔灌注桩基础上发展起来的一种变截面的新桩型。由于其桩身多个扩径体(承力盘或承力岔)能承受较大的荷载,充分发挥扩径体周边土体的承载力,从而大幅度提高单桩承载力。介绍了DX多节挤扩灌注桩及在浙江软土地区某高层建筑桩基工程中的应用效果。Abstract: DX pile is a new kind of variable section pile based on the bored filling pile. The partial enlargement of the pile boby, such as carrying plate and carrying branch, grcatly improve the bearing capacity of the pile and make full use of the bearing capacity of the surrounding soil. DX multi-nodal enlarging-grouting pile and the result of its application in soft foundation of a high-rise building in Zhejiang province is introduced.
Key words:
- DX pile /
- carrying plate /
- carrying branch /
- partial enlargement /
- DX extruding device
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