Correlation analysis between subgrade compaction state and rolling dynamic soil pressure
摘要: 路基压实状态与碾压动土压力密切相关,为此开展了土压力传感器室内标定试验。标定试验显示砂标系数与厂家标定系数相差65%以上,论证了根据传感器的实际工程状态选择相应介质进行标定试验的必要性。在此基础上明晰了标定系数与压实状态的关系,建立了标定系数–砂土介质压实度关系曲线,提出了标定系数与介质压实度关系的归一化方程。路基碾压土压力的实测数据显示,按实际介质标定系数修正后的实测值与Boussinesq解理论值的偏差更小,较厂家标定系数下的实测值平均降低29.4%。Abstract: To ensure subgrade compaction quality, the correlation between compaction state and rolling dynamic soil pressure was investigated. An indoor calibration test of soil pressure sensors was conducted, revealing a difference of over 65% between the sand calibration coefficient and the manufacturer's coefficient. This emphasized the necessity of selecting the medium based on actual engineering conditions for calibration. The relationship between the calibration coefficient and compaction state was clarified, leading to the establishment of a calibration coefficient - sand compaction degree curve and a normalization equation. Field measurements show that correcting measured values using actual medium calibration coefficients reduces the deviation from the Boussinesq theoretical solution by an average of 29.4%, compared to using the manufacturer’s coefficients.
Key words:
- highway /
- subgrade compaction /
- soil pressure sensor /
- calibration coefficient /
- compaction state
表 1 土压力传感器参数
序号 传感器编号 直径/mm 厚度/mm 量程/MPa 1 18356 16 4.8 0.3 2 21683 16 4.8 0.3 3 21684 16 4.8 0.3 表 2 压实度工况
传感器编号 压实度1
/%18356 89.01 92.88 94.52 96.23 97.99 21683 89.27 92.35 93.15 94.80 96.51 21684 89.25 91.53 93.13 94.78 96.48 表 3 加载–卸载循环工况
加载阶段 卸载阶段 序号 应力/MPa 试验力/kN 序号 应力/MPa 试验力/kN 1 0.03 0.53 11 0.27 4.77 2 0.06 1.06 12 0.24 4.24 3 0.09 1.59 13 0.21 3.71 4 0.12 2.12 14 0.18 3.18 5 0.15 2.65 15 0.15 2.65 6 0.18 3.18 16 0.12 2.12 7 0.21 3.71 17 0.09 1.59 8 0.24 4.24 18 0.06 1.06 9 0.27 4.77 19 0.03 0.53 10 0.3 5.3 20 0 0 表 4 砂标与厂家标定系数对比
传感器编号 厂家标定系数
/%18356 1.80×10−4 5.88×10−4 227 21683 2.29×10−4 4.20×10−4 83 21684 2.82×10−4 4.67×10−4 67 表 5 标定系数与压实度拟合曲线参数
传感器编号 A1 A2 K0 p R2 18356 5.72×10−4 7.43×10−4 91.99 70.56 0.99 21683 4.01×10−4 5.20×10−4 91.49 68.70 0.99 21684 4.55×10−4 5.80×10−4 91.79 77.49 0.99 -
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