Softening characteristics of anchorage interface in the fully grouted anchorage system
摘要: 基于离散化思想,将弹簧单元法引入锚固系统力学分析中,建立了位移分布函数、轴力分布函数以及侧阻力分布函数之间的联系。考虑锚固界面的软化特性,假设极限侧阻力分别以线性和指数曲线两种形式衰减至残余摩阻力,模拟了锚固界面的软化过程,分析了界面软化特性对锚固系统拉拔力学行为的影响,并采用现场拉拔试验进行了验证。研究表明:考虑锚固界面软化特性可更加真实地反映锚固系统的受力变形特性,无论是线性软化还是指数曲线软化,在选取合适软化系数的情况下,两者的分析结果差异很小。Abstract: Based on the idea of discretization, the spring element method was introduced into the mechanical analysis of the anchorage system, and the relationship between the displacement distribution function, the axial force distribution function and the lateral resistance distribution function was established. Considering the softening characteristics of the anchorage interface, the softening process of the anchorage interface was simulated by assuming that the ultimate lateral resistance decays to the residual frictional resistance in the form of linear and exponential curves, respectively. The influence of interface softening characteristics on the pull-out mechanical behavior of the anchorage system was analyzed, and finally verified through on-site pull-out tests. Research has shown that considering the softening characteristics of the anchorage interface can more accurately reflect the stress deformation characteristics of the anchorage system. Whether it is linear softening or exponential curve softening, the difference in analysis results between the two is very small when appropriate softening coefficients are selected.
图 1 五种线性荷载传递模型[8]
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