Influence of shallow tunnel construction on adjacent pile foundation and reinforcement measures
摘要: 为了研究浅埋隧道施工对邻近桩基的影响与加固措施,依托芦澳路下穿马青路工程建立了有限元模型。分析了浅埋隧道开挖引起的地表沉降以及桩基的变形和内力,发现桩基的最大水平位移(3.63 mm)超过了变形控制指标(3 mm),并对邻近桩基的内力产生了较大影响;在此基础上提出了注浆加固的保护措施,并对比分析不同加固深度的保护效果。研究结果表明:对桩基周围土体进行注浆加固,可显著降低桩基的变形和内力,当注浆加固深度为15 m时,可取得较佳的效果;通过与现场监测数据对比,验证了模型的可靠性与加固措施的合理性。Abstract: To study the influence of the shallow tunnel construction on the adjacent pile foundation and the reinforcement measures, this research relies on the Lu’ao Road underpassing Maqing Road project to establish a finite element model. The surface settlement caused by shallow tunnel excavation and the deformation and internal force distribution law of the pile foundation were analyzed. It was found that the maximum horizontal displacement of the pile foundation (3.63 mm) exceeded the deformation control index (3 mm) and had a large impact on the internal force of the adjacent pile foundation. The protective measures of grouting reinforcement were proposed, and the protective effects of different reinforcement depths were compared and analyzed. The results show that grouting reinforcement of the soil around the pile foundation can significantly reduce the deformation and internal force of the pile foundation, and better results can be achieved when the depth of grouting reinforcement is 15 m. The reliability of the model and the rationality of reinforcement measures are verified by comparing them with the field monitoring data.
Key words:
- shallow tunnel /
- adjacent pile /
- reinforcement measure /
- numerical simulation
表 1 各项目控制标准和警戒值
mm 项目 控制值 警戒值 地表沉降 30 24 桩基沉降 15 12 桩基水平位移 3 2.4 相邻桩基差异沉降 5 4 表 2 土层参数
土层 H/m Γ/(kN·m−3) $ \varphi $/(°) c/kPa $ \mathrm{\nu } $ E/(kN·m−2) 素填土 3 19.3 16 20 0.3 8×103 粉质黏土 9 20 13.5 26.4 0.3 20×103 残积砂质黏性土 5 18.2 26 50 0.25 25×103 全风化花岗岩 8 19.5 22 18 0.3 60×103 中等风化花岗岩 18 26 49 32.9 0.25 150×103 注浆加固区 22 30 70 0.29 300×103 超前小导加固区 25 32 500 0.25 1.5×106 表 3 承台、初期支护相关参数
参数 承台 初期支护 单元类型 板 板 EA/(kN/m) 30×106 11.4×106 EI/(kN·m2/m) 2.5×106 85.5×103 W/(kN/m/m) 24 6 $ \mathrm{\nu } $ 0.2 0.2 d/m 1.0 0.3 表 4 桩相关参数
参数 桩 单元类型 embedded桩 材料类型 线弹性 预定义梁类型 圆弧梁 E/ (kN·m−2) 30×106 Γ/(kN·m−3) 7 d/m 1.2 -
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