Reinforcement effect of middle partition wall in ultra-small spacing section of subway shield tunnel
摘要: 为了探明地铁盾构隧道超小净距地段中隔墙加固效果,依托广州地铁12号线大学城南停车场出入场线工程,利用FLAC 3D软件建立盾构隧道施工仿真模型,分析未加固与中隔墙加固情况下超小净距盾构隧道施工对周边岩土体及先修隧道的影响规律。结果表明:随着盾构开挖深度的增加,地表沉降、土体水平位移、先修隧道管片变形均有明显增大,中岩柱稳定性降低;采用中隔墙加固措施效果显著,与未加固时相比,工程开挖至19环时,地表沉降与土体水平位移最大值分别降低31.1%,70%,先行隧道管片横向扩张与竖向变形最大值分别降低56.8%,73.5%,中岩柱稳定性明显提高,故在超小净距地段采用中隔墙可以起到良好的加固作用。Abstract: To explore the reinforcement effect of the middle partition wall in the ultra-small spacing section of the subway shield tunnel, based on the entrance and exit line project of the south parking lot of Guangzhou Metro Line 12, the FLAC 3D software was used to establish the simulation model of the shield tunnel construction, and to analyze the influence law of the ultra-small spacing shield tunnel construction on the surrounding rock and soil mass and the pre-built tunnel under the condition of unreinforced and middle partition wall reinforcement. The results show that with the increase of shield excavation depth, the surface settlement, the horizontal displacement of soil and the deformation of the tunnel segment were obviously increased, and the stability of the middle rock column was reduced. The reinforcement effect of the middle partition wall was remarkable. Compared with the unreinforced condition, when the project was excavated to the 19th ring, the maximum surface settlement and horizontal displacement of the soil were reduced by 31.1% and 70%, respectively. The maximum lateral expansion and vertical deformation of the first tunnel segment were reduced by 56.8% and 73.5%, respectively. The stability of the middle rock column was obviously improved. Therefore, the middle partition wall can play a good reinforcement effect in the ultra-small clear distance section.
表 1 岩土物理力学参数
土层名称 密度/(kg·m−3) 黏聚力/kPa 内摩擦角/($^\circ $) 弹性模量/MPa 泊松比 素填土 1900 21.0 13.5 8 0.34 粉质黏土 1910 26.9 15.8 18 0.32 混合花岗岩残积土(可塑) 1840 23.7 16.6 25.3 0.30 混合花岗岩残积土(硬塑) 1860 25.5 18.8 41.4 0.29 全风化混合花岗岩 1840 28.3 22.2 80.0 0.28 强风化碎块状混合花岗岩 2150 60.0 30.0 360 0.28 中等风化混合花岗岩 2330 200.0 42.0 1200 0.29 微风化混合花岗岩 2600 500.0 48.0 5000 0.29 表 2 材料物理力学参数
材料 密度/(kg·m−3) 弹性模量/MPa 泊松比 中隔墙 2400 $2.55 \times {10^4}$ 0.2 管片 2500 $3.45 \times {10^4}$ 0.3 注浆材料 硬化前 2000 1.20 0.3 硬化后 2000 6.00 04 盾壳 7850 $2 \times {10^5}$ 0.3 表 3 N1—N5测点水平位移
mm 监测断面 加固情况 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 第4环 未加固 0.52 −0.73 0.58 1.28 0.64 加固 0.58 −0.29 0.01 0.39 0.17 第7环 未加固 0.53 −0.89 5.55 3.55 1.02 加固 1.54 −0.48 1.86 1.6 1.15 第10环 未加固 1.77 −0.92 13.29 7.88 2.18 加固 2.89 −0.58 3.8 3.79 2.48 第13环 未加固 2.37 −0.64 15.05 8.51 2.44 加固 3.64 −0.46 4.74 4.62 2.92 第16环 未加固 2.95 0 21.03 9.82 2.91 加固 4.44 0 6.24 5.8 3.57 第19环 未加固 3.24 0 24.76 10.19 2.98 加固 4.91 0 7.32 6.53 3.85 表 4 N1—N5测点竖向位移
mm 监测断面 加固情况 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 第4环 未加固 −6.85 −8.93 −13.26 −9.31 −4.32 加固 −4.48 −5.98 −5.62 −5.58 −5.56 第7环 未加固 −6.91 −8.03 −33.51 −2.28 1.67 加固 −4.46 −5.60 −5.82 −5.51 −5.25 第10环 未加固 −6.78 −7.63 −54.74 1.13 6.93 加固 −4.44 −5.33 −5.92 −5.37 −4.94 第13环 未加固 −6.58 −5.10 −58.72 1.74 7.69 加固 −4.39 −3.59 −5.95 −5.31 −4.84 第16环 未加固 −6.13 −0.15 −68.99 4.72 9.29 加固 −4.29 −0.12 −5.92 −5.20 −4.69 第19环 未加固 −5.81 −0.13 −82.35 4.20 9.53 加固 −4.22 −0.08 −5.88 −5.12 −4.61 -
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