Mechanism analysis of bedrock landslides in coal measures of Guangdong Province: a case study of the Lishui Wentouling landslide, Foshan City
摘要: 以佛山市里水文头岭山体滑坡为例,通过调查、钻探和监测等手段,查明滑坡区地质环境条件和灾害特征,分析了影响因素和滑动机理。结果表明:(1)总体呈雨量越大滑动越快特点,滑动雨量阖值约30 mm;(2)煤系地层发育、顺向坡和褶皱构造作用是滑坡形成的内在因素,反倾粗砂岩条带被开挖和长期雨水入渗在粗砂岩条带位置积蓄形成静水压力作用是滑坡形成的间接诱发因素,强降雨作用是滑坡形成的直接诱发因素;(3)滑动机理模式为:早期雨水入渗并沿炭质泥岩界面径流,软化并加速滑动面形成;中期坡脚开挖临空,叠加坡上岩土体重力和坡脚静水压力,共同向下作用贯通滑面;后期强降雨诱发滑坡。研究成果可供同类煤系地层滑坡的调查评价、监测预警和后续防范治理参考。Abstract: The Lishui Wentouling landslide, Foshan City was investigated through investigation, drilling, and monitoring methods. The geological environmental conditions and disaster characteristics of the landslide area were identified, and the influencing factors and sliding mechanism were analyzed. The results show that: (1) the overall trend is that the larger the rainfall, the faster the sliding, with a sliding rainfall value of about 30 mm; (2) The development of coal bearing strata, along slope and fold structures are inherent factors in the formation of landslides. The excavation and long-term infiltration of rainwater into the coarse sandstone belt, resulting in static water pressure, are indirect triggering factors for landslide formation. Heavy rainfall is the direct triggering factor for landslide formation; (3) The sliding mechanism mode is characterized by early infiltration of rainwater and accelerated formation of sliding surfaces along the interface of carbonaceous mudstone due to softening of runoff. In the middle stage, excavation at the foot of the slope, combined with the gravity of the rock and soil mass on the slope and the static water pressure at the foot of the slope, acts downwards to penetrate the sliding surface. In the later stage, heavy rainfall induces landslides. This research can provide reference for the investigation, evaluation, monitoring, early warning, and subsequent prevention and control of landslides in similar coal bearing strata.
Key words:
- coal-bearing strata /
- bedrock landslide /
- formation mechanism
表 1 各监测桩基本情况表
所在滑坡位置 监测桩编号 监测时间(月-日) 坡脚前缘 1号 04-20—06-11 2号 04-20—05-20,之后损坏 3号 04-20—05-19,之后损坏 4号 04-23—06-11 5号 04-23—05-17,之后损坏 9号 04-20—06-06,之后损坏 10号 04-20—06-06,之后损坏 11号 04-20—05-05,之后损坏 坡体中部 12号 05-08—06-11 13号 05-11—06-11 14号 05-11—06-11 15号 05-11—06-11 17号 05-11—06-11 两侧周界 19号 06-05—06-11 20号 06-05—06-11 21号 06-05—06-11 22号 06-05—06-11 23号 06-05—06-11 坡顶后缘 6号 04-23—06-11 7号 04-25—06-11 8号 04-25—06-11 16号 05-11—06-11 18号 06-06—06-11 -
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