Shaking table test on seismic performance of energy-dissipating pile-anchor structure under El Centro seismic waves
摘要: 为增强结构抗震韧性,减、隔震技术及高性能材料已在建筑结构和桥梁领域得到广泛应用,而岩土支挡结构的抗震性能优化研究还相对落后。基于ECC高韧性材料与黏滞阻尼减震技术构建了一种耗能型桩锚结构,通过振动台试验对其抗震性能进行了评估。研究主要从加速度响应、希尔伯特谱变化以及动态剪应力–剪应变等方面分析了新型结构的动力响应特性。分析表明,耗能型桩锚结构会使浅表土体消耗地震能量增多,从而有效降低传递至桩身的破坏能量,减缓支护结构的损伤破坏。此外,研究还发现希尔伯特谱能准确描述地震波时频特性,全面展示结构动力特性变化。研究结果可为锚索抗滑桩结构抗震性能优化设计提供参考依据。Abstract: To enhance the seismic resilience of structures, isolation and damping technologies along with high-performance materials have been widely adopted in the construction of buildings and bridges. However, optimizing seismic performance in geotechnical retaining structures remains relatively underdeveloped. Therefore, this study introduced an energy-dissipating pile-anchor structure developed using Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC) materials and viscous damping technology, and its seismic performance was assessed through shaking table tests. The dynamic response characteristics of the new structure were analyzed, focusing on acceleration response, Hilbert spectral changes, and dynamic shear stress-strain behaviors. The analysis indicates that the energy-dissipating pile-anchor system increases the energy absorption of superficial soil layers during seismic events, effectively reducing the energy transmitted to the pile body and thus mitigating damage to the support structure. Additionally, the research found that the Hilbert spectrum accurately describes the time-frequency characteristics of seismic waves, providing a comprehensive view of the structural dynamics. These results offer references for the optimization of seismic resilience in anchor-supported slide-resistant pile structures.
表 1 试验模型相似比尺寸
物理量 相似关系 相似比(原型:模型) 几何尺寸 Cl 10∶1 加速度 Ca 1∶1 重力加速度 Cg=Ca 1∶1 重力 Cγ 1∶1 弹性模量 CE= Cl Cγ 10∶1 黏聚力 Cc= Cl Cγ 10∶1 内摩擦角 Cφ 1 时间 CT= SQRT(Cl/Ca) 3.162∶1 频率 Cω= SQRT(Ca/Cl) 0.316∶1 应力 Cσ= Cl Cγ 10∶1 应变 Cε 1∶1 表 2 振动台技术指标
方向1.2 ×1.2 1000 0~50 12 0.5 0.1 水平、垂直 表 3 滑体材料物理力学参数
材料名称 质量配合比 密度
/(○)滑体 黏土∶河砂∶水=
2∶27.55∶12 6.52 20.38 表 4 ECC材料物理力学参数
材料名称 配合比(粉煤灰∶
应变/%ECC材料 0.15∶0.85∶0.264∶0.37∶
掺量)PVA纤维3.2 7.2 1.3 >2.5 表 5 加载工况表
工况 地震波 输入峰值加速度 1 白噪声 0.05g 2 El Centro 0.1g 3 白噪声 0.05g 4 El Centro 0.2g 5 白噪声 0.05g 6 El Centro 0.3g 7 白噪声 0.05g 8 El Centro 0.4g 9 白噪声 0.05g 10 El Centro 0.5g 11 白噪声 0.05g 12 El Centro 0.6g 13 白噪声 0.05g 14 El Centro 0.7g 15 白噪声 0.05g -
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