Influence caused by reinforcement range of connecting passage on main tunnels
摘要: 深入研究了地铁盾构隧道联络通道施工过程中地层加固范围对主隧道的影响规律。通过数值模拟的方法,全面分析了地层加固范围对主隧道管片总体变形、特殊管片应力及位移、特殊与普通管片间螺栓受力状态等力学行为的影响规律。研究结果表明:(1)进行地层加固可显著降低特殊管片最大拉应力,但会导致其最大压应力明显增大,同时对横向扩张位移与竖向收敛位移控制效果有限;(2)适当地进行地层加固可明显降低螺栓最大拉应力,大幅降低横通道的顶部沉降位移,小幅减小底部隆起位移,有利于横通道整体变形控制;(3)当地层加固范围过大时,螺栓最大拉应力出现显著回升,综合考虑经济性、施工效果等因素,应避免通长加固。Abstract: The influence caused by the reinforcement range of the connecting passage on the main tunnel during the construction process of the connecting passage of subway shield tunnels was investigated. Through numerical simulation, the influence of the reinforcement range of the stratum on the mechanical behavior of the main tunnel segment, such as the overall deformation of the main tunnel segment, the stress and displacement of the special segment, and the stress state of the bolts between the special and ordinary segments, was comprehensively analyzed. The results show that: (1) Ground reinforcement can significantly reduce the maximum tensile stress of special segments, but it will significantly increase the maximum compressive stress, and the control effect on lateral expansion displacement and vertical convergence displacement was limited. (2) Proper reinforcement can significantly reduce the maximum tensile stress of the bolt, greatly reduce the top settlement displacement of the transverse channel, and slightly reduce the bottom uplift displacement, which is conducive to the overall deformation control of the transverse channel. However, when the reinforcement range is too large, the maximum tensile stress of the bolt rises significantly. Considering the factors such as the economy and construction effect, full-length reinforcement should be avoided.
Key words:
- subway shield tunnel /
- connecting passage /
- reinforcement range /
- numerical simulation
表 1 地层力学性能
地层名称 弹性模量
$\varphi $/(°)密度
$\rho $/(kg·m−3)①1杂填土 15 0.25 0 10 1600 ①黏质粉土填土 13 0.26 8 10 1650 ③1粉质黏土 4.8 0.34 29 14 1860 ③砂质、黏质粉土 10 0.23 13 26 2000 ④3粉细砂 30 0.29 0 28 2050 ④粉质黏土 9.2 0.43 26 15 2010 ④2黏质、砂质粉土 13 0.26 15 25 2060 ⑥2黏质、砂质粉土 17.3 0.29 14.5 26 2050 ⑥粉质黏土 11.9 0.26 27 15 1980 ⑦2粉细砂 35 0.28 0 30 2050 ⑦圆砾卵石 55 0.23 0 40 2150 ⑧粉质黏土 15.8 0.31 28 16 1950 表 2 材料力学性能
名称 弹性模量
/MPaC50混凝土 34500 2400 Q235B管片 200000 7850 235 420 M24螺栓 210000 7850 640 800 -
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