Quantitative Analysis of the Maximum Water Level Prediction in Beijing Mi-Huai-Shun Water Source Area
摘要: 通过分析地下水位变化及影响因素,将密怀顺单一含水层结构区域的地下水水位动态特征分为4个阶段:地下水均衡期(20世纪60年代—70年代末),地下水超量开采期(20世纪80年代—2003年)、怀柔应急水源地影响期(2003年—2015年)以及生态补水影响期(2015年至今)。区域地下水的开采及生态补水是造成区域水位变化的主要因素,地下水位的变化具有人工影响的典型性。随着未来水源八厂等水源地进入限产期、怀柔应急水源地进入热备涵养期以及生态补水常态化,由于该地区含水层结构以卵砾石为主,渗透性很大,地下水位会持续快速上升。基于研究区不同时间序列的水位观测数据,通过定量分析方法对密怀顺水源地最高水位进行预测,研究成果可为该地区抗浮设防水位合理确定以及深基坑工程地下水控制提供指导和参考。Abstract: By analyzing the variation and influencing factors of groundwater level, the dynamic characteristics of groundwater level in a single aquifer structure area in Miyun, Huairou and Shunyi in Beijing are divided into four stages: groundwater balance period (1960s—late 1970s), groundwater overexploitation period (1980s—2003), Huairou emergency water source impact period (2003—2015) and ecological water replenishment impact period (2015 to now). The exploitation of regional groundwater and ecological water replenishment are the main factors causing the change of regional water level. The change of groundwater level has the typical characteristics of artificial influence. In the future, with the water sources such as No. 8 water plant entering the production limit period, Huairou emergency water source entering the hot standby conservation period and the normalization of ecological water replenishment, the groundwater level will continue to rise rapidly because the aquifer structure in this area is mainly gravel and has great permeability. Based on the water level observation data of different time series in the study area, the maximum water level of Miyun, Huairou and Shunyi water source is predicted by quantitative analysis method. The research results can provide guidance and reference for the reasonable determination of anti-floating water level and groundwater control of deep foundation pit engineering in this area.
表 1 2015年—2019年潮白河区域地下水回补情况
Table 1. Groundwater recharge in ChaoBai River region from 2015 to 2019
年份 回补量/(104 m3) 年份 回补量/(104 m3) 年份 回补量/(104 m3) 2015 3781 2017 8053 2019 8171 2016 2161 2018 29273 -
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