Design and Implementation of Immovable Cultural Relics Display System
摘要: 不可移动文物是重要的文化遗产,因常年遭受风雨侵蚀出现不同程度的损毁,以数字化形式展示、宣传和推广不可移动文物具有重要意义。基于SuperMap及Vue分别开发了PC端和移动端的不可移动文物展示系统,将不同类型的文物信息在统一的地理空间和尺度标准的数字影像地图上进行导览和展示,成为文物宣传、推广、保护的先进手段,为文物管理部门提供真实可靠的数据支持,也为社会公众了解国家文物历史和外出旅游提供便利。Abstract: As an important cultural heritage in China, immovable cultural relics have been damaged to varying degrees due to wind and rain erosion all the year around, and some of them have been damaged. Therefore, it is of great significance to display, publicize and promote the geographical information of each cultural heritage protection unit in digital form. The PC terminal and mobile terminal of immovable cultural relics display system were developed respectively based on SuperMap and Vue. Different types of cultural relics information could be displayed on a digital image map with unified geographic space and scale standard, which could be an advanced means of cultural relic publicity, promotion and protection. This system could provide credible data support for the cultural relics management department, and could also help the public to understand the history of national cultural relics and provide convenience for travel.
Key words:
- immovable cultural heritage /
- SuperMap /
- Vue /
- display
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