Influence of Internal Force in the Rectangular Shaft for the Pipe Jacking with a Reserved Hole
摘要: 作为顶管工程最为重要的构筑物之一,顶管始发井或接收井需要在井壁上开设尺寸不一的圆形洞口供顶管进出,洞口的设置影响了井体结构受力。以有限元软件为分析工具,依托西安市某 DN3500 内径电力顶管工程,研究采用明挖顺作法施工的井壁开洞对井体结构的受力影响规律,将之与同等条件下的沉井结构内力计算结果进行对比,得出了不同工艺井侧壁开洞前后的内力变化规律,并提出了相应的井结构优化设计建议,为相关工程的设计与分析提供参考。Abstract: The launching shaft or the receiving shaft are the most critical structures in the pipe jacking project, and circular holes of different sizes are needed on the shaft wall for the pipes to enter and exit. The setting of the holes affects the stress of the shaft structure. Relying on a DN3500 inner diameter electrical power pipe jacking project in Xi'an, the influence law of the shaft wall opening constructed by the open excavation method on the shaft structure was studied using the finite element method. The results were compared with the open caisson under the same conditions. The internal force calculation results of the design are compared, and the internal force variation law before and after the open excavation of the shaft with different methods was obtained. The corresponding structure optimization design suggestions are put forward and provide reference for the design and analysis of related projects.
表 1 顶管始发竖井地层参数
参数土层 $\gamma $/(kN·m−3) $c$/kPa $\varphi $/(°) $w$/% 层厚/m (1-1)杂填土 14.0 0 2.0 2.95 (2)黄土状粉质黏土 18.6 20.0 18.0 18.8 6.50 (3)中砂 20.0 0 33.0 1.90 (3-1)粉质黏土 19.7 25.0 22.0 2.20 (3)中砂 20.0 0 33.0 1.60 (4)粉质黏土 19.7 16.0 24.0 22.4 1.60 (4-1)中砂 22.0 0 32.0 10.0 注:地下水位位于地面以下12.31 m。 表 2 未开洞口的竖井结构内力及应力分布情况
部位 内力及应力值 Nx/ kN Ny/ kN V/kN Mx/ (kN·m) My/ (kN·m) σ/kPa 底板 最大 −83.2 −83.2 1274.6 1787.5 1787.5 1019.2 最小 −1095.4 −1094.8 108.0 −1105.8 −1105.8 87.4 侧壁 最大 125.0 632.5 961.4 1039.3 1787.5 1444.3 最小 −955.5 −1660.5 36.0 −499.2 −303.5 336.5 注:x、y的方向为各个板件的局部坐标轴方向。 表 3 开洞口的竖井结构内力及应力分布情况
部位 内力及应力值 Nx/ kN Ny/ kN V/ kN Mx/ (kN·m) My/ (kN·m) σ/kPa 底板 最大 1294.7 1341.3 266.6 1861.6 1834.2 1660.3 最小 −1337.2 −1718.6 −343.5 −1186.6 −1187.1 584.8 侧壁 最大 1442.0 1192.4 1020.5 1055.8 4336.0 2131.8 最小 −1327.1 −2015.1 −1387.1 −514.3 −533.7 404.1 注:x、y的方向为各个板件的局部坐标轴方向;最大值不包括洞口应力集中部分导致的内力变化。 表 4 开洞前后沉井结构内力及应力分布情况
部位 内力及应力值 Nx/ kN Ny/ kN V/kN Mx/ (kN·m) My/ (kN·m) σ/kPa 未开洞
侧壁最大 67.9 −501.0 314.8 2552.2 504.7 1553.2 最小 −1686.5 −1224.9 −314.8 −1203.2 −182.2 491.1 开洞
侧壁最大 1442.1 −511.6 752.7 2774.9 682.5 4140.0 最小 −3722.7 −2203.9 −852.1 −1258.9 −192.1 −1777.8 注:x、y的方向为各个板件的局部坐标轴方向;最大值不包括洞口应力集中部分导致的内力变化。 -
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