Influence of Tunnel Excavation on Valley Slope Deformation and Mechanical Characteristics of Lining Structure
摘要: 某公路隧道洞口穿越黄土沟谷,受沟谷地形影响,该隧道为典型的偏压双孔隧道。基于沟谷地形地貌、隧道分布情况、黄土地层及隧道结构物理力学参数建立有限元数值计算模型,采用强度折减法分析左洞(埋深大)先行方案与右洞(埋深小)先行方案对沟谷坡体稳定性的影响,进一步研究不同施工方案下隧道衬砌结构受力特性。研究结果表明,左洞开挖对坡体滑动面及塑性区影响较大,并对坡脚位移的影响程度最大;隧道开挖先行洞的衬砌结构受力较大,左洞先行方案对衬砌影响程度大于右洞先行方案,但左洞先行方案对坡体稳定性有利。据此,建议该偏压隧道采用左洞(埋深大)先行方案,以减小隧道开挖对坡体的扰动,同时根据衬砌结构内侧受力薄弱点分布规律加强左、右洞衬砌设计。Abstract: Based on the topography of the loess tunnel entrance through the valley, the finite element numerical calculation model was established, and the strength reduction method was used to analyze the influence of the left tunnel and the right tunnel on the stability of the valley slope, and the mechanical characteristics of tunnel lining structures under different construction schemes were further studied. The research results show that in the two construction schemes, the left tunnel excavation has a greater impact on the sliding surface and plastic zone of the slope, and has the greatest impact on the displacement of the slope toe. In addition, the tunnel excavation makes the lining structure of the leading hole more stressed, and the left tunnel excavation has a greater impact on the lining than the right tunnel excavation, but the left tunnel excavation is beneficial to the slope stability. Therefore, left tunnel excavation should be adopted in this type of unsymmetrial loading tunnel to reduce the disturbance to the slope by the tunnel excavation. At the same time, the design of the left and right tunnel lining should be strengthen according to the distribution pattern of the weak points on the inner side of the lining structure.
表 1 坡体强度折减参数
折减系数 内摩擦角/(°) 黏聚力/kPa 0.50 63.4 100 0.75 53.1 66.7 1.00 45.0 50 1.25 38.7 40 1.50 33.7 33.3 1.75 29.7 28.6 2.00 26.6 25 表 2 材料的物理力学参数
材料 重度
角/(°)泊松比 黄土 17 28 0.5 50 45 0.40 C30钢筋衬砌混凝土 27 31000 0.38 -
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