Lithology Recognition of Rock Image Based on Convolutional Neural ResNet50 Residual Network
摘要: 深度学习卷积神经网络算法广泛应用于岩石图像的岩性识别。结合卷积神经残差ResNet50网络,构建了岩石图像岩性识别模型,并依据定义的损失函数进行了网络模型的参数调优与验证;通过构建的识别模型对岩石图像岩性进行了预测,并根据识别结果进行了误差原因分析。研究表明:以深度卷积神经ResNet50残差网络为基础,按照训练集、测试集、验证集8∶1∶1的比例可以进行岩性预测模型的构建与参数调优,从而实现岩石图像的岩性预测;结合项目实例构建了黑云母花岗闪长岩、变质砂岩、石英岩、黑云母花岗岩等四种岩性的岩石图像岩性识别模型;模型的识别准确率,除构造节理发育的破碎岩体较低外,一般可达75%~90%;岩石图像识别结果的准确率受岩体构造裂隙发育及岩石图像质量影响较大,可以通过增加训练样本数量来提高识别结果准确率。Abstract: Deep learning convolutional neural network algorithm is widely used in the lithology identification of rock images. A rock image lithology recognition model was constructed by combining the convolutional neural residual ResNet50 network, and the parameters of the network model were optimized and verified according to the defined loss function. At the same time, the lithology of the rock image was predicted by the constructed recognition model, and the error causes were analyzed according to the prediction results. The research showed that based on the deep convolutional neural ResNet50 residual network, the lithology prediction model can be constructed and the parameters can be optimized according to the ratio of the training set, test set, and verification set 8: 1: 1, to realize the lithology prediction of rock image. Combined with the project example, the rock image lithology identification model of four kinds of lithology, such as biotite granodiorite, metamorphic sandstone, quartzite, and biotite granite, is constructed. The recognition accuracy of the model is generally up to 75%~90%, except for the fractured rock mass with structural joints. The accuracy of rock image prediction results is greatly affected by the development of rock mass structural fissures and the quality of rock images. The accuracy of prediction results can be improved by increasing the number of training samples.
Key words:
- convolutional neural network /
- ResNet50 /
- rock image /
- identification mode /
- lithology identification
图 1 残差网络模型[16]
表 1 岩石图像岩性识别结果及准确率(部分展示)
孔号 岩性 准确率/% 深度/m 孔号 岩性 准确率/% 深度/m 孔号 岩性 准确率/% 深度/m 192 黑云母花岗岩 83.40 12.0~13.0 187 黑云母花岗岩 82.10 6.0~7.0 106 黑云母花岗闪长岩 72.70 18.0~19.0 黑云母花岗岩 80.20 13.0~14.0 变质砂岩 82.20 7.0~8.0 变质砂岩 38.40 19.0~20.0 黑云母花岗岩 71.00 14.0~15.0 变质砂岩 75.30 8.0~9.0 黑云母花岗闪长岩 77.30 20.0~21.0 黑云母花岗岩 83.90 15.0~16.0 变质砂岩 77.80 9.0~10.0 黑云母花岗闪长岩 80.40 21.0~22.0 黑云母花岗岩 83.10 16.0~17.0 变质砂岩 76.30 10.0~11.0 长石斑岩 43.60 22.0~23.0 花岗斑岩 38.00 17.0~18.0 变质砂岩 80.70 11.0~12.0 变质砂岩 36.50 23.0~24.0 黑云母花岗岩 73.80 18.0~19.0 变质砂岩 78.20 12.0~13.0 黑云母花岗闪长岩 83.70 24.0~25.0 黑云母花岗岩 71.50 19.0~20.0 变质砂岩 80.50 13.0~14.0 黑云母花岗闪长岩 90.10 25.0~26.0 黑云母花岗岩 65.60 20.0~21.0 变质砂岩 77.30 14.0~15.0 黑云母花岗闪长岩 71.40 26.0~27.0 黑云母花岗岩 73.70 21.0~22.0 变质砂岩 80.10 15.0~16.0 石英岩 80.30% 27.0~28.0 黑云母花岗岩 77.70 22.0~23.0 变质砂岩 83.80 16.0~17.0 石英岩 94.70 28.0~29.0 黑云母花岗岩 80.30 23.0~24.0 变质砂岩 86.40 17.0~18.0 石英岩 84.00 29.0~30.0 黑云母花岗岩 83.70 24.0~25.0 变质砂岩 84.00 18.0~19.0 石英岩 77.50 30.0~31.0 黑云母花岗岩 81.40 25.0~26.0 变质砂岩 82.80 19.0~20.0 石英岩 76.20 31.0~32.0 黑云母花岗岩 81.50 26.0~27.0 变质砂岩 88.00 20.0~21.0 石英岩 85.40 32.0~33.0 黑云母花岗岩 80.80 27.0~28.0 变质砂岩 81.50 21.0~22.0 石英岩 81.20 33.0~34.0 黑云母花岗岩 76.20 28.0~29.0 变质砂岩 74.90 22.0~23.0 石英岩 79.20 34.0~35.0 黑云母花岗岩 82.30 29.0~30.0 变质砂岩 83.30 23.0~24.0 石英岩 78.40 35.0~36.0 黑云母花岗岩 78.90 30.0~31.0 花岗斑岩 38.10 24.0~25.0 石英岩 68.70 36.0~37.0 黑云母花岗岩 85.10 31.0~32.0 变质砂岩 81.80 25.0~26.0 石英岩 69.90 37.0~38.0 -
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