Mechanism of Deep Shaft Surrounding Rock Failure and Shaft Wall Structure Design
摘要: 为指导赵固二矿井筒建设,综合理论分析、数值模拟等方法,对井筒围岩损伤变形及井壁结构进行研究,结果表明:井筒穿越地层水平围压系数为1.75~1.86,导致软弱地层井筒塑性区蝶化分布,塑性区尺寸与双向主应力关系的RPP特性围岩强度影响较大;当埋深500~600 m时,在冻结前后,及时浇筑井筒围岩损伤形态尺寸差异较大。基于此,确定选择冻结法施工,理论计算设计并校核了井壁结构参数,现场施工监测显示设计参数能够满足工程建设的安全稳定,为类似条件井筒建设提供参考。Abstract: To provide effective guidance for shaft construction, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation were used to study the damage and deformation of the surrounding rock and the structure of the shaft wall. The results show that the horizontal confining pressure coefficient for shaft crossing geological formations is 1.75 to 1.86, leading to a butterfly-shaped distribution of the plastic zone in the weak strata. The RPP characteristics of the relationship between plastic zone size and bidirectional principal stress have a significant impact on the strength of the surrounding rock. The size differences of the damage forms of the wellbore surrounding rock before and after freezing and timely pouring are significant at a burial depth of 500~600 meters. The freezing method was selected for construction before and after freezing based on the vector displacement of the surrounding rock. Based on this, the theoretical calculation and design of the shaft wall structure parameters were verified, and on-site construction monitoring shows that the design parameters can meet the safety and stability requirements of the project construction. The research results have practical significance for the construction of similar shafts under similar conditions.
Key words:
- deep shaft /
- surrounding rock damage /
- freezing construction /
- shaft structure
表 1 地应力分布规律
H/m σH/MPa σh/MPa σv/MPa η 100 5.42 3.08 2.45 1.75 200 7.57 4.21 4.90 1.79 300 9.72 5.34 7.35 1.81 400 11.87 6.47 9.80 1.83 500 14.02 7.60 12.25 1.84 600 16.17 8.73 14.70 1.85 700 18.32 9.86 17.15 1.86 800 20.47 10.99 19.60 1.86 表 2 冻结前后围岩力学属性
状态 岩石力学参数 体积模量/GPa 剪切模量/MPa 内摩擦角/(°) 黏聚力/MPa 抗拉强度/MPa 冻结前 0.11 0.12 20 0.81 2.57 冻结后 5.08 2.47 30 3.02 0.57 表 3 井壁结构设计参数表
/ m内层井壁 外层井壁 总厚/mm 砼等级 壁厚/mm 环筋 竖筋 砼等级 壁厚/mm 环筋 竖筋 0~190 C50 450 2ϕ18@250 2ϕ18@250 C50 450 2ϕ18@250 2ϕ18@250 900 190~298 C60 600 2ϕ22@250 2ϕ22@250 C60 600 2ϕ22@250 2ϕ22@250 1200 298~420 C75 800 2ϕ28@250 2ϕ28@250 C75 700 2ϕ25@250 2ϕ25@250 1500 420~532 C80 800 2ϕ28@250 2ϕ28@250 C80 900 2ϕ28@200 2ϕ28@200 1700 532~590 C80 950 2ϕ28@200 2ϕ28@200 C80 1000 2ϕ28@200 2ϕ28@200 1950 590~640 C90 950 2ϕ28@200 2ϕ28@200 C90 1000 2ϕ28@200 2ϕ28@200 1950 640~680 C95 950 2ϕ28@200 2ϕ28@200 C95 1000 2ϕ28@200 2ϕ28@200 1950 680~720 C100 950 2ϕ28@200 2ϕ28@200 C100 1000 2ϕ28@200 2ϕ28@200 1950 720~752 C100 950 2ϕ28@200 2ϕ28@200 C80 800 2ϕ28@200 2ϕ28@200 1750 752~767 整体浇注段 1750 767~797 过渡段 1000 797~902 普通施工法段 800 表 4 部分测点位移监测
序号 土层名称 测点垂深
/mm1 黏土 458.2 −5.9 2.46 71.5 2 砂质黏土 534.7 −7.4 5.59 109.9 3 黏土 592.8 −5.6 3.26 85.7 4 砂质黏土 618.9 −8.4 1.90 91.7 5 铝质黏土 661.5 −9.6 3.22 88.5 6 砂质黏土 664.3 −9.8 2.43 75.1 -
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