Underpinning Methods of Diaphragm Wall of Subway Station Constructed by Cut and Cover Reverse Method under Foundation Pit Cover Plate
摘要: 附属结构与地铁车站连通常需要对地下连续墙进行破除,当地下连续墙上设有临时承重盖板时破除的施工难度更大,风险更高。以某地铁盖挖逆作车站的地下连续墙破除施工为依托,提出了利用局部破除体作为临时竖向支撑进行托换破除的施工方法。首先,采用数值计算分析了不同托换间距对盖板结构体系的受力影响,综合施工进度和作业空间考虑,确定预留1 m宽的临时托换柱和不大于12 m的破除间距为控制指标,能够满足各受力结构体系在临时托换施工下的承载性能要求;其次,对盖板下地下连续墙破除及切割块转运施工进行了详细分析,给出了分块尺寸、切割块吊装、预留柱节点等关键施工环节的控制指标与做法。实施结果表明:利用既有地下连续墙作为临时托换结构进行破除地下连续墙的施工方法,安全可靠,施工速度快,成本经济。Abstract: The connection between the auxiliary structure and the subway station usually requires breaking the diaphragm wall, which is more difficult and risky when a temporary cover plate is installed on the diaphragm wall. Based on the demolition construction of the diaphragm wall of a subway station constructed by cover and top-down construction method, a construction method of underpinning demolition using a local demolition body as temporary vertical support was proposed, and the problem was solved. First of all, the influence of different underpinning distances on the structural system of the cover plate was calculated numerically, and considering the construction progress and workspace, the temporary underpinning columns with a width of 1 m and a breaking distance of no more than 12 m were determined as the control indicators, which can meet the load-bearing performance requirements of each stressed structural system under temporary underpinning construction. Secondly, the demolition of the diaphragm wall under the cover plate and the transfer construction of the cut blocks were detailed, and the control indicators and practices of key construction links such as block size, cutting block hoisting, and reserved column nodes were given. The implementation results showed that using the existing diaphragm wall as a temporary underpinning structure for the construction of the diaphragm wall is safe, reliable, fast in construction, and economical in cost.
表 1 主要结构材料参数
构件 结构尺寸/mm 材料型号 弹性模量/Pa 泊松比 主体地下连续墙 1000 C30 3.0e10 0.2 附属地下连续墙 600 C30 3.0e10 0.2 盖板 400 C30 3.0e10 0.2 盖板支撑 800×1200 C30 3.0e10 0.2 预留地下连续墙 1000×1000 C30 3.0e10 0.2 格构柱 600×600 Q345 2.06e11 0.3 表 2 土体参数
土层 深度
(MPa·m−1)1-1碎石填土 4.2 17.5 0.55 10 12 4-1淤泥质黏土 4.2 17.2 0.59 71.9 60.9 4-2淤泥质粉质黏土 4.7 17.9 0.58 80.3 101.0 7-1黏土 3.1 19.1 0.39 284.0 261.2 表 3 不同托换间距下计算结果
弯矩/(kN·m)6 2150 1074 3619 170.8 10 2161 1085 5312 171.2 12 2175 1093 6579 171.8 15 2182 1102 8328 172.2 -
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