Field Measurement Study of Hydraulic Gradient in Flood Control Area of Wuhan Area
摘要: 根据《建筑地基基础技术规范》(DB 42/242—2014)规定,武汉地区防洪控制区内建议承压水头坡降为0.5%~0.8%,由此可近似推导防洪控制区内抗浮水位及基坑降水承压水水头。2003年以来,由于长江补给两岸时长的大幅缩短及城市建设大规模基坑降水,防洪控制区内相应水力梯度也发生较大改变,根据防洪控制区内40个项目水位观测统计数据,控制区内的实测水力梯度与规范建议值存在较大偏差,与长江水位、项目距离呈非线性衰减关系。通过数据分析,推导出丰水期峰值水力梯度、丰水期平均水力梯度、枯水期平均水力梯度曲线方程,并获得了实际项目验证。研究结论可为规范修订提供参考,同时为防洪控制区内抗浮水位选取及基坑工程降水提供支持。Abstract: According to “Technical Code for Building Foundation” (DB 42/242—2014), the recommended slope of confined water head in the flood control area of Wuhan is 0.5%~0.8%, from which the anti-floating water level in the flood control area and the confined water head of foundation pit dewatering can be approximately deduced. However, since 2003, due to the substantial shortening of the supply time on both sides of the Yangtze River and the large-scale foundation pit dewatering in urban construction, the corresponding hydraulic gradient in the flood control area has also changed greatly. Combined with the water level observation and statistical data of 40 projects in the flood control area, there is a large deviation between the measured hydraulic gradient in the control area and the recommended value of the code, and there is a non-linear attenuation relationship with the water level of the Yangtze River and the distance of the project. Through data analysis, the curve equations of peak hydraulic gradient in high water period, average hydraulic gradient in high water period and average hydraulic gradient in low water period were derived and verified by the project. The conclusion can provide reference for the revision of the code, and provide support for the selection of anti-floating water level in flood control area and dewatering of foundation pit engineering.
图 3 1989—2008/2016—2022年江岸区丹水池孔承压水位变化[18]
表 1 距离与水力梯度关系
距离/m 丰水期峰值
水力梯度/%100 6.67 3.04 −3.37 200 2.72 1.78 −2.15 300 2.47 1.26 −1.43 400 2.45 1.04 −1.00 500 2.45 0.95 −0.74 表 2 水力梯度实测值与计算值对比表
结果 丰水期峰值水力梯度/% 丰水期平均水力梯度/% 实测值 3.19 2.17 计算值 3.52 2.28 表 3 水力梯度实测值与计算值对比表
结果 丰水期峰值
水力梯度/%实测值 2.86 1.32 –1.41 计算值 2.54 1.51 –1.80 -
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