Checking Calculation Method of Integral Anti-Floating Stability of Anti-Floating Anchor
摘要: 由《岩土锚杆与喷射混凝土支护工程技术规范》(GB 50086—2015)中关于抗浮锚杆整体抗浮稳定验算的规定可知,抗浮锚杆整体稳定性与基础下抗浮锚杆范围内总的土体重(W)、结构自重和其他永久荷载(G)及地下水浮力(
$ {F}_{\mathrm{f}} $ )有关,结构自重和其他永久荷载(G)及地下水浮力($ {F}_{\mathrm{f}} $ )可通过相关规定计算得出,但规范并未给出抗浮锚杆范围内土体重(W)的计算方法。对抗浮锚杆的受力情况进行了分析,参照相关规范,通过理论推导,提出了抗浮锚杆整体抗浮稳定验算的计算公式。Abstract: According to the technical code for geotechnical bolt and shotcrete support engineering (GB 50086—2015), the checking calculation of anti-floating stability of anti-floating bolt as a whole can be known, the overall stability of the anti-floating anchor was related to the total weight of the soil (W), the self-weight of the structure, other permanent loads (G) and the buoyancy of the groundwater (Ff) in the scope of the anti-floating anchor under the foundation, the self-weight and other permanent loads (G) of the structure and the buoyancy of the groundwater (Ff) can be calculated by relevant regulations. The stress of the anti-floating anchor was analyzed, and the calculation formula of anti-floating stability checking of the anti-floating anchor was put forward according to the relevant codes.-
Key words:
- integral anti-floating /
- stability checking /
- factor of safety
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