Design and Deformation Monitoring Analysis of Large Crown Beam in Deep Foundation Pit
摘要: 对于“支护桩+内支撑”基坑支护型式,为减少或避免使用边桁架撑及斜抛撑体系,提出一种通过增大冠梁截面来扩大主支撑间距的设计方法。对大冠梁设计进行基础理论研究,结合工程案例,应用理正深基坑设计软件及MIDAS/GTS有限元软件进行计算分析。结果表明,大冠梁设计可有效控制基坑变形。结合实际监测数据对比分析验证了大冠梁设计的可行性和可靠性,采用该种支护方案既能保证基坑自身安全,也能确保周边既有建筑物的正常使用。同时,支撑间距加大便于土方和地下结构施工,可缩短项目工期并降低工程成本,具有工程应用价值。Abstract: For pile+internal support, to reduce or avoid the use of side truss bracing and inclined bracing systems, a method of increasing the crown beam section was proposed to expand the main support spacing. This method can control the deformation of the foundation pit and ensure the safety and stability of the foundation pit. Based on the basic theory research of the design of the large crown beam, combined with the engineering case, the Lizheng software and MIDAS/GTS finite element software were used for calculation and analysis. The results indicate that the design of the large crown beam can effectively control the deformation of the foundation pit. By comparing and analyzing actual monitoring data, the feasibility and reliability of the design of the large crown beam have been verified. Adopting this support scheme can not only ensure the safety of the foundation pit itself but also ensure the normal use of surrounding buildings. Increasing the spacing between supports for earthwork and underground structure construction can shorten the project duration and reduce engineering costs, which has engineering application value.
Key words:
- deep foundation pit /
- large crown beam /
- support spacing
表 1 基坑支护设计岩土参数取值
土层 重度
φk/(°)素填土(1-1) 17.0 9.0 6.0 粉质黏土(2-1) 18.7 27.5 11.3 强风化泥质粉砂岩(3-1) 22.0 100.0 25.0 中等风化泥质粉砂岩(3-2) 23.0 200.0 26.0 微风化泥质粉砂岩(3-3) 23.5 400.0 28.0 -
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