Failure Mode and Path Analysis of High and Steep Rock Slope in Mountainous Areas, Southwestern China: A Case Study in Bowa Hydropower Station
摘要: 西南地区由于其丰富的水能资源储备,已成为我国水电站建设最为集中的区域。为了解决高山峡谷区修建水电站时开挖引起的高陡岩质边坡问题,以博瓦水电站左岸边坡3号危岩体为研究对象,结合无人机三维建模手段,采用赤平投影法和极限平衡法分别从定性和定量角度论述了该危岩体的变形破坏模式及路径,并借助数值模拟手段完成结果分析和验证。结果表明:3号危岩体的破坏主要受两侧优势结构面控制,属多级、多次的楔形体破坏模式,其在天然工况下较为稳定,但在暴雨、地震等极端工况下可能发生破坏;数值分析结果则表现出“先滑移后倾倒”的破坏形式,为理论分析提供支撑。研究成果对类似的高陡水电岩质边坡破坏及防治问题提供了一定的科学参考和工程经验。Abstract: Southwestern China has become the most concentrated area for the construction of hydropower stations in China due to its rich hydropower resources. When building a hydropower station in the Alpine Valley area, it often causes the problem of destruction on steep rock slopes because of the excavation. To solve this problem, taking the No. 3 dangerous rock mass on the left bank slope of the Bowa Hydropower Station as the research object, combined with the 3D realistic modeling method of unmanned aerial vehicles, the deformation and failure modes and paths of the dangerous rock mass were qualitatively and quantitatively discussed using the stereographic projection method and limit equilibrium method. The results were analyzed and verified using numerical simulation methods. The main findings were as follows: The failure of No. 3 dangerous rock mass was mainly controlled by the preferred planes of both sides, belonging to a multi-stage and multiple wedge-shaped failure mode. It is relatively stable under natural engineering conditions, but it may occur under extreme conditions such as heavy rain and earthquakes. The numerical simulation results show a failure form of "sliding first and then dumping", which verifies the correctness of the theoretical analysis. Research results provide certain engineering experience and scientific reference value for similar steep rock slope problems of hydropower stations.
表 1 3号危岩体节理平均几何特征统计表
节理编号 数量/组 长度/m 间距/m 产状 连通率 J3-a 29 18 2 255°∠63° 0.58 J3-b 18 18.9 1.6 326°∠84° 0.7 J3-c 16 36.9 0.35 110°∠57° 0.77 J3-d 16 22.3 3.01 48°∠81° 0.61 表 2 稳定性计算参数选取表
单元重度/ (kN·m−3) 内摩擦角φ/(°) 黏聚力c/ kPa 天然 饱水 天然 饱水 天然 饱水 大理岩 27 27.5 34 32 420 400 结构面 25 24 70 60 -
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