Experimental Study on Compressive Bearing Performance of Bilateral Helix-Stiffened Cement Mixing Piles
摘要: 为进一步提升螺旋桩芯劲性复合桩(HSCMP)的抗压承载力,提出一种新型劲性复合桩——双向搅螺旋桩芯劲性复合桩(BHCMP)。为研究BHCMP的施工工艺可行性和抗压承载性能,对比其与传统螺旋桩(HP)、螺旋桩芯劲性复合桩(HSCMP)承载特性,进行现场试桩和抗压承载性能试验。试验结果表明:HSCMP通过同步旋进注浆在螺旋桩周围形成水泥土柱提高了竖向承载力,约为HP的1.85倍,BHCMP在复搅段通过二次搅拌下钻使复搅段的淤泥土与水泥搅拌更充分,形成强度更高的水泥土柱,使BHCMP的极限抗压承载力相较于螺旋桩芯劲性复合桩(HSCMP)有49%的提升。Abstract: Bilateral Helix-Stiffened Cement Mixing Piles (BHCMP) is a new type of stiff composite pile. To study the feasibility of the construction process and the compressive bearing performance of BHCMP, three test piles were designed, and the on-site pile formation test and the compressive bearing performance test of the pile foundation were conducted. Comparative analysis of the pile forming process and bearing properties of helical piles, helical stiffened cement mixing piles, and BHCMP was carried out. The test results show that: the vertical bearing capacity of the helical pile is improved by synchronized rotary grouting around the helical pile to form a hydraulic soil column, which is about 1.85 times that of the helical pile, while the BHCMP has a 49% increase in ultimate compressive bearing capacity compared with the helical stiffened cement mixing piles through the secondary mixing and downward drilling, which makes the mixing of silt soil and cement in the re-drilled section more adequate and forms a hydraulic soil column with higher strength.
Key words:
- helical piles /
- rigid composite pile /
- ultimate bearing capacity /
- field test
表 1 土层物理力学指标
土层名称 重度
$ \gamma $/(kN·m−3)含水率
$ H $/m平均层厚
$ {E}_{\mathrm{s}} $/MPa极限侧阻力
$ {q}_{\mathrm{s}i} $/kPa极限端阻力
$ {q}_{\mathrm{p}\mathrm{k}} $/MPa$ S\mathrm{_u} $
/(kN·m−2)①素填土 0.30 0.30 65.00 2.99 ②黏土 18.10 37.50 1.30 1.00 5.08 51.00 1.86 24 ③淤泥 15.80 65.20 12.00 10.00 1.93 10.00 0.44 14 ④粉质黏土夹粉土 19.30 26.90 16.00 5.93 60.00 3.18 32 表 2 试验桩设计参数
桩型及代号 桩总长/$ \mathrm{m} $ 叶片直径/$ \mathrm{m} $ 外钻杆长度/$ \mathrm{m} $ 反向钻杆叶片直径/$ \mathrm{m} $ 螺旋桩HP 12 0.26 螺旋桩芯劲性复合桩HSCMP 12 0.26 螺旋桩芯劲性复合桩BHCMP 12 0.26 3 0.26 表 3 抗压极限承载力
kN -
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