Dynamic Experimental Study on Group Well Effect of Resource Recharge
摘要: 资源型回灌是城市建设工程保护地下水的有效措施之一。为在回灌设计中合理考虑群井效应的影响,采用在选定的回灌区内动态调整回灌井数量和间距的现场试验方法,研究了群井效应对单井回灌量的影响,总结了单井回灌量随井数、井间距的变化规律。结果表明,群井效应对单井回灌量影响显著,回灌区面积一定时,单井回灌量随回灌井数量的增加呈明显下降趋势,单井回灌量与回灌井间距呈近似对数关系。Abstract: Recharge is one of the effective measures to protect groundwater resources in urban construction. To reasonably consider the influence of group well effect in the design of a recharge project, the influence of group well effect on the recharge capacity of a single well was experimentally studied by adjusting the number and spacing of recharge wells dynamically in the selected recharge area, and the change law of the recharge capacity of a single well with the number and spacing of recharge wells was summarized. The results show that the group well effect has a significant effect on the recharge capacity of a single well. Once the recharge area is selected, the recharge capacity of a single well decreases with the increase of the number of recharge wells, and the relationship between the recharge capacity of a single well and the spacing of recharge wells is roughly logarithmic.
Key words:
- resource recharge /
- group well effect /
- engineering dewatering /
- experimental study
表 1 地层物理力学性质参数
序号 地层 天然重度
/(m·d−1)① 杂填土 18 10 0 ①2 粉土素填土 18 10 8 ② 粉细砂 19.5 28 0 4.32 ③ 卵石 21 40 0 432 ④3 卵石混黏性土 20 34 5 ⑤ 卵石 22 42 0 432 表 2 试验方案设计
井数 井间距/m n=1 n=3 s≈16,20,37,39 n=6 s≈10,17,20,23 n=10 s≈12,14,16,18 n=14 s≈10,13,14 n=20 s=10 -
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