1998 Vol. 12, No. 2

Excavation and Protection for Deep Foundation
Some Experience about Desing of Gravity Retaining Wall
LI Jun-min
1998, 12(2): 3-8.
Some ideas about the active earth pressure coefficient Ka of retaining Wall for Coulumb's theory,Rankine's theory and the appendix of "Building Code of Foundation Design GBJ789" are proposed. The calculating method of active earth pressure is improved. The method to determine the retaining wall section by the condition of anti-slide stability and an experimental formula of antioverturn stability are given. The calculations of wall strength and foundation stress are expounded, and an example of calculation is given.
Analysis for Stability of Slope Protected by Soil-nailing Wall
GAO Yin-li
1998, 12(2): 9-11.
The analytical methods to consider anti-the shear function of soil-nails proposed in some related literature are discussed on the basis of the open published information, and some factors to influence the slope stability reinforced by soil nails are analysed by the circular sliding method,too.
Application of Bearing Plate for Production Building Foundation Protection at Institute No.634
YANG Ming-de, GAO De-hui, MA Yong-qi
1998, 12(2): 12-14.
The structure of bearing plate soil-nailing wall,namely, the soil nails and coverage reinforcement mat are anchored by bolts.
Slope Stabilization Schemes for high position Pool at Water Factory of Long Gang Centre in Shen Zhen
HU Zheng-dong
1998, 12(2): 15-17.
That high slope is comprehensively treated by the frame of prestressed anchor stay and reinforced concrete can stop not only deep slide, but also partial surface collapse.
Jet-anchor Protecting and Dewatering
LI Lin-shan
1998, 12(2): 18-19.
The position and function of dewatering are expounded in the combined bolting and shotcrete protection. The option of mechanical parameter φ in the layer after dewatering and how to consider water pressure and the rational length of anchor etc. are analysed. The questions to be considered and paid attention to are put forward for the arrangement of dewatering wells.
Foundation Treatment Technology
Foundation Optimization of a Tower-type Building in Beijing——Applicaton of Down Drilled Hole Dynamic Compaction Composite Column-soil Foundation
WEN Li-xin, GAO Gui-pu, JIA Cai
1998, 12(2): 20-23.
The schemes of down drilled hole dynamic compaction composite column-soil foundation, prefabricated reinforced concrete pile foundation and long auger rig vibrating driven cast - in place non-reinforced concrete pile composite foundation are comparatively analysed according to economy, technique, construction and project time limit.
Calculating Method for Bearing Capacity of Dry-jet Pile Composite Foundation
YANG Shun-an, ZHANG Hong-yi, WEI Hong-hu, LIU Hu-zhong
1998, 12(2): 24-28.
The bearing capacity of jet powder pile composite foundation is usually determined by the field static loading test at present. A new method rebounding determining bearing capacity of composite foundation by the static loading test data is put forward based on the theoretical analysis and project practice. This method possesses the sufficient theoretical basis and sole result, and is not influenced by the experimental curves and man-made factors.
Inversion on Physic-mechanical Parameters for Weak Sandwich of Giant Building Foundation
ZHANG Huai-wen
1998, 12(2): 29-32.
The physical and mechanical parameters E,μ,c,φ for weak sandwich of giant building foundation are inverted based on a great dam. The elastic-plastic loading process to store water for weak sandwich between a dam and its bedrock is reasonably simulated through establishing objective function. It may be better proved that E,μ,c,φ obtained by inversion can or can't be used in a project according to optimization of penalty function and composite deformation method.
Strengthen Thick Soft Soil Foundation Combinded with Lime Pile and Deep-mixing Pile
ZHENG Jun-jie, YUAN Nei-zhen
1998, 12(2): 33-34,47.
That thick soft soil is reinforced combined with lime pile and deep-mixing pile possesses the better technical result and economical benefit.
Reknowledge for Soft Soil Foundation Treated with Lime and Cement Pile
ZHANG Xin-jing
1998, 12(2): 35-39.
A few questions to treat foundation with lime and cement pile are discussed in the soft soil area. The application of lime and cement pile is the wider than one of other methods.
Mechanism of Slope Failure and Its Treatment at An Le Mountain
QI Ying
1998, 12(2): 40-43.
The reason for slope failure is that waterlogging make the easy liquefacient expansive cohesive clay soft, a lot of big angle fissures are developed among strata,the weak structural planes are formed and frequent human being activities occur at An Leshan mountain.
Calculation of Partly Penetrated Well Flow for Foundation Dewatering
LU De-sheng, WANG Bing-long
1998, 12(2): 44-47.
The seepage calculation for partly penetrated well dewatering is solved in foundation pit construction by the three dimensional boundary elements method. This provides the basis for the scheme design of dewatering, and can make a prediction for dewatering process.
Application of Hydralic Capture Technique to Treat Pollutants like Oil in Groundwater
ZHOU Nian-qing, XU Shao-hui
1998, 12(2): 48-52.
The migration of pollutants like oil in groundwater before treated is simulated by the mathematical model. The parameters of quantity and quality models for water are given. When hydraulic capture zone runs,the mathematical model having been established is examined and predicted by the new monitoring information. The technique can not only remove the some pollutants like petrolium, but alsoprevent the high contaminative water from further diffusion,and this plays an important role in protecting source
Surveying Technology
Experiment for Locating Three-dimensional Coordinate of Hanging Point in Air with All-station Instrument
JIN Xiao-cao
1998, 12(2): 53-54.
The method to locate the three-dimensional coordinate of roof frame node for fourposition hangar with all-station instrument satisifies the demand to install rail in the project at Capital Airport. It is a successful experiment.
Principle of Tri-instrument Method and Its Application
FAN Zhi-ming
1998, 12(2): 55-59.
The deep burying of pipeline,their three-ways in the dense pipeline area and the problem of corner point precision are solved by the underground metal pipe locator, theodolite and range finder in the production and practice.
Information Report
Loess and Loess Mechanics
ZHANG Su-min
1998, 12(2): 60-62.
Development of Jet-grouting Technology in Abroad
ZAN Yue-wen
1998, 12(2): 63-65,62.