1998 Vol. 12, No. 3

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Pore Water Pressure in Stability Analysis of Deep Excavation
GUO Yu-rong, ZOU Yin-sheng, WANG Yi-sun
1998, 12(3): 3-6.
In the stability analysis of deep excavation, the ground water pressure is divided into three parts,i. e.,hydrostatic pressure,seepage pressure and excessive pore water pressure. For the calculation of hydrostatic pressure,the errors of currently simplified methods used in practical engineering are pointed out,and a new method based on seepage analysis is proposed. The excessive pore water pressure induced by excavation should be determined by the undrained triaxial compression test according to the stress path of the soil in and out of foundation pit. Furthermore,the unloading shear strength parameters should be applied when using total stress method to analyse excavation problems.
Reliability Analysis on Stability Design of Cement-soil Retaining Structure
KUANG Long-chuan
1998, 12(3): 7-8,18.
The model of reliability analysis on the stability design of cement-soil retaining structure is established. Based on 22 different and representative geotechnical data in Shanghai and the application of spatial average concept in the parameter statistics,JC-method is used to calculate and analyse the reliability index. The average index of current reliability is 2. 50 approximately. The work will be helpful for the future research of partial factors.
Optimum Analysis of Soil-nailing Protecting Stability in Foundation Pit
LUO Xiao-hui, HE Li-hong
1998, 12(3): 9-13.
The concept of disturbing force proposed by Sarma is adopted,the limit equilibrium state of soil-nailing wall is analysed. The mathematical model of stability analysis which the interaction of inter-slice force is considered is established for the soil-nailing wall. The most dangerous sliding plane is determined based on the SLP optimization theory. The calculations of the project examples show its advantages and practicality.
Application of Cement-soil Retaining Structure with Continuous Arches
HUANG Sheng-gen
1998, 12(3): 14-18.
The bending moment and shearing stress induced by water-soil pressure are converted into the normal stress by the cement-soil retaining structure with the continuous arches,and these better the stress condition greatly. According to the stress characteristics of the combined arches,the interior force is analysed and calculated. The design method of protecting structure with the continuous arches is put forward,and the calculation of a project example is given.
Some Experience about Design of Gravity Retaining Wall (Continuation)
LI Jun-min
1998, 12(3): 19-23.
Shot-anchoring Protection and Soil-nailing Wall
LI Lin-shan
1998, 12(3): 24-26.
Based on the mechanism for shot-anchoring protection and soil-nailing wall, the characteristics which the self-bearing capacity of soil-nailing wall is taken full advantage of is expounded. Compared with the shot-anchoring protection,it has the features of low cost of construction and convenience to construction. Compared with the rigid protection,the deformation and effect on dependent-time for the flexible protection make it more reasonable for the stress. Therefore,to use them,such as soil-nailing wall etc,may greatly reduce the investment if the condition allowed.
Calculating Method for Cantilever Retaining Drilled Hole Cast-in-pile
WU Ting
1998, 12(3): 27-31.
Based on the characteristics of earth pressure when foundation pit and protecting piles interact,the calculation and design method of cantilever retaining drilled hole cast-in pile is put forward in the view of mechanics,and the project examples are given.
Applicating Study of Self-seepage Sand Drain for Deep Foundation Pit Dewatering
MA Jin-sen, JIA Li-hong, XU Xi-jin, LIANG Xu-guang
1998, 12(3): 32-35.
The dewatering method of deep excavation is analysed in the theory and design and construction under the hydrogeology circumstances with the particle confined water. The dewatering design and construction methods combined by the pipe well and self-seepage sand drain are proposed and experimented at Wangjing District,Beijing. The dewatering puzzle is solved for the confined water of deep foundation pit.
Reason for Collapse at Tanyugou Tunnel and Its Prevention and Cure
LI Lian-hu
1998, 12(3): 36-39.
The collapse occurs frequently in the tunnel construction. The important reason for the collapse in Tanyugou Tunnel contruction and its treated measures are discussed on the Badalin Speedway.
Application of Foundation Underpinning by Precompressed Pile and High-rise
CHEN Guo-zheng
1998, 12(3): 40-42.
The design scheme of foundation reinforced by precompressed pile (foundation underpinning) like the footing accident treatment for a 7 storeies residential building at a factory in Tongchuan,Shanxi,makes foundation the better stress state, the subsidence quickly stable, result reliable and taking effect quickly. An effective method to treat high rise foundation is put forward.
Impact on Land Subsidence for Shanghai Municipal Construction
GONG Shi-liang
1998, 12(3): 43-45.
The land subsidence remarkably increases during late of "7th-five years" and "8th-five years" compared with these of before in Shanghai. It is closely related to a large scale of municipal construction. The subsidence speed and feature in project construction are analysed. The quantum evaluation on its affecting level is done. The countermeasures to control land subsidence are put forward chiefly by strengthing design demonstration,construction management and administration supervision.
Application of Jet-grouting Antiseepage Technique to Treat Dam Foundation at Hot Spring Reservior
1998, 12(3): 46-48.
The high-pressure jet-grouting antiseepage and reinforcement technique to treat dam foundation is reliable in quality and reasonable in economy at the Hot Spring Reservior. It buys time for construction.
Static Sounding of Soft Soil and Correlative Analysis of Vane Shear Test Results at Shenzhen Bight
WU Zhan-shou, LIU Qiong-ling
1998, 12(3): 48-50.
The soft soil includes the sludge and mucky soil at Shenzhen Bight. The static sounding in situ and the results of vane shearing test show that linear correlative relationship Cu=0. 0433Ps+0.0014 exists between its specific penetration resistance Ps and undrainge shearing strength Cu based on a few projects of water conservation.
Discussion on Engineering Properties of Silty Clay at Songling Machine Works in Shenyang
JIA Cai, ZHANG Ai-qin
1998, 12(3): 51-54.
On the basis of the appraisal of geological time and the micro-analysis of mineralogical compositions, the analysis of chemical compositions,combining with standard penetration test in situ and soil engineering test in laboratory,the alluvial land of the Quaternary Period is correctly divided into two parts,i,e,two kinds of soil which are belong to the same class with the different geological times and physical mechanical features. The standard values of two kinds of soil for bearing capacity are rationally put forward. These accomulate the experience for the foundational construction at that district,and for fear that the mistaken of stratum division brings about the hidden trouble in economy and safety for engineering construction.
Discussion on Deformation Monitoring for Large Metal Frame Building
ZOU Zi-li, ZHAO Ji-xian
1998, 12(3): 55-57.
How to arrange the deformation monitoring system and monitor deformation and analyse their deformation are discussed emphatically for the indoor no-supporting metal frame roof deformation.
Excavation Monitoring for Foundation Pit at Jinmao Mansion
ZHOU Gan, CAO Yong-lu, FENG Yu-shan
1998, 12(3): 57-62.
The relating data and experience obtained in the construction monitoring for foundation pit excavation are reliable at Shanghai Jinmao Mansion.
Loading Method of Pile Bottom for Static Test
WU Jian-qing
1998, 12(3): 63-65.