2005 Vol. 19, No. 4

Display Method:
A Practical Calculation Method on Rheological Analysis for Rock Slope
Duan Jian, Yan Zhixin
2005, 19(4): 163-165.
Onthe basis of equivalent hypothesis, equivalent Mohr-Coulomb criterion bas been successfully applied to FEM software-Ansys by artificial conversion on jointed rock mass parameters, and all kinds of relation between the transformed parameters and original parameters are verified. At the same time, in allusion to rheological characteristics of jointed rock mass, by making use of theory of theological model with fractional order derivatives, a practical calculation method in which theological characteristics are taken in to account has been presentted, and rheological problem on rock solpe has been managed by changing material characteristics in the process of Ansys elasticity-plasticity analysis, it is shown by a example that this method is feasible.
Variable Element Seepage Coefficient Method for Seepage Numerical Analysis with Free Surface
Chen Changlu, Pan Wenyan, Wang Xiaozhang
2005, 19(4): 166-169.
A kind of fixed grid method of alteration transmission coeffident of seepage flow analysis is put forward on the basis of analyzing the other computation seepage. It only needs once mesh grid,isn't intervened calculation process. The free surface boundary can be calculated precisely through program iteration. The examples show that the program is simple, the operation is facility and calculation is precise.Convergence of the method is very quickly. The method is suitable for stable and unstable seepage analysis.
Analysis on Time Limitation of the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Jacked Pile
Dong Guanghui, Zhang Mingyi, Zheng Li
2005, 19(4): 170-172.
The ultimate bearing capacity of jacked pile increases with the time in hyperbolically pattern. The mechanism of time effect can be interpreted as the effect of disturb-restore property and the effect of consolidation of the soil around the pile. Time is adopted to analyze excess pore water pressure due to driven pile in clay; and a formula is derived. According to the original construction force and considering fuzzy and uncertain, we can calculate the final bearing capacity of the pile. Acalculating method is given.
The Application of OOP on Development of Design and Analyses Software of Foundation Pit
Li Weitao, Ying Huiqing, Yuan Bo
2005, 19(4): 173-176.
The thought of OOP, which is a new design thought of program, the basic concept of OOP is introduced. Considered the character of design soft ware of foundation pit, the point that the thought of OOP is applied to develop the soft ware of foundation pit is brought forward, meantime the detailed application of OOP is discussed and analyzed.
A Review on Fundamentals of Distinct Element Method and Its Application in Geotechnical Engineering
Wang Weihua, Li Xibing
2005, 19(4): 177-181.
The Distinct Element Method(DEM) is a discontinuum-based numerical method especially applicable to solve the discontinuity problems in jointed rock mass. Firstly the fundamentals of DEM are introduced, and then its applications in geo-technical engineering are surnmarzied emphatically, and finally the development trends of DEM are discussed.
The Water Level for Prevention of Up-floating under the Condition of Multi-level Groundwater
Huang Zhilun, Ma Jinpu, Li Congyu
2005, 19(4): 182-183,217.
According to Specification for Geotechnical Investigation of Tall Buidings(JGJ 72-2004), the water level for prevention of up-floating should adopt the highest water level determined during investigation construction. But this specification doesn't suit the condition of multi-level grounduater.Therefore, the determination method of water level for prevention of up-floating under the condition of multi-level groundwater is discussed, and the condusion is:the water level for provention of up-floating under the condition of multi-level groundwater should adopt the highest water level of the stratum sat by foundation.
The Discussion of Rock & Soil Parameter of Bored Pile
Su Dongming, Lu Tianbao, Wang Jiansheng
2005, 19(4): 184-185,207.
The ultimate shaft friction and end resistance of rock & soil are very important to the calculation of vertical bearing capacity of bored pile, and related to the engineering safty and economy. Therefore, in the design of bored pile, the designer should not only obey the code of Specifications for Design of Ground and Foundation of Highway Bridges and Culverts, but also take the geological age, the geotechnical conditions and other else factors into consideration.
Vertical Zonation of Karst Development Intensity in Huayingshan Tunnel
Xiong Daokun, Fu Ronghua
2005, 19(4): 186-190.
The karst development features in the Huayingshan Tunnel is discussed. The vertical zonation of Karst development intensity is divided through being combined with the history of karst development, according to the dividing basises and the dividing criterion of karst development intensity with the analogical evaluation method, the main factor evaluation method and the comprehensive evaluation method. And the prediction is consistent with actual situations.
Research of GPR Technology and Exploring Application
Xu Hongwu, Shao Yan, Deng Chunwei
2005, 19(4): 191-194.
The exploring principle and method character of Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR) technology are introduced, the application field of GPR technology is researched, through some engineering examples.
Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential of the Saturated Silty Soil in Handan
Zhang Guishuang, Ye Hongdong, Liu Jichang
2005, 19(4): 195-198.
Through standard penetration test, cone penetration test and macro discriminating method, the liquefaction potential of silty soil of a project in Handan is evaluated, and the results are analyzed comparatively. According to the factors and characteristics considered in discriminating method, combining the regional characteristic of silty soil, the synthetic discriminating method, which is suit to the saturated silty soil in Handan, is put forword, thus improves the dependability of evaluation of liquefaction potential.
The Discriminant of Liquefaction Potential for Sandy and Silty Soil-The Thinking from Appraising
Zhang Sumin
2005, 19(4): 199-199.
Analysis of Soil-squeezing Effects in Mixing Pile Construction
Li Hongbo, Gao Guangyun, Wang Liming
2005, 19(4): 200-203.
The deep mixing pile, which is a new groundwork construction method, generally used in soft soil, is being widely popularized in foundation construction fields. It has been proved that mixing pile construction would also cause soil-squeezing effects.On the basis of research and analysis by former scholars, the monitor data of wall lateral displacement and pipe sedimentation related to an engineering project are analyzed and the characteristics of the soil-squeezing effects as well as the rules of it are summarized under different construction crafts. Finally, these rules are researched by the formulas of displacement based on Sagaseta's source-sink image technique.
Equivalent Transformation of Principle Stress on the Deviatoric Plane and It's Application
Liu Jinlong, Luan Maotian, Zhu Jianqun
2005, 19(4): 204-207.
A equivalent transformation between principle stress and the coordinate of the dviatoric plane is deduced through coordinate transformation, which make it is convenient to get the track of failure criteria on dviatoric plane. With the equivalent transformation,tracks of the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, the generalized Mises failure criterion and the SMP failure criterion on the dviatoric plane are studied. Some expressions of parameters of corresponding criterions are got through comparing the positional relationship between different failure criterions. It is verified that the expressions of parameters are consistent with the existed conclusions.
Dewatering Calculation Model of Deep Well-pumping in Phreatic Water of Loess in Shaolingyuan and It's Application
Bai Yingsheng, Kang Ting, Su Jushi
2005, 19(4): 208-210.
On the basis of flows law in pumping experiment,dewatering calculation model and the method of parameters settlement in the model are advanced. The comparison between the calculated results and experimental data shows that the model is feasible. Good results are achieved in using it into Shaolingyuan tunnel. The Calculation model is simple and convenient, and it can be referenced by the similar dewatering projects in loess region.
The Key Problem of Geotechnical Engineering in the Volume Expansion of High Stove
Wang Fengjiang
2005, 19(4): 211-214.
As the special stucture, the reloading and unloading characteristic during the volume expansion of high stove is indescribable to the reconstruction of common building. Based on the characteristic of expansion engineering of high stove,some problems such as the expansion approach, the loading state and it's alterant characteristic, inchluding it's impact on the settlement of the foundation soils has been discussed in detail. Considering some successful examples had been completed in the volume expansion of high stove, the primary geotechnical engi-neering problem which need to be noticed in foundation evaluation on natural subgrade has been mentioned.
Application Research on Ecology Friendly Retaining Wall in National Highway No.319 at Haicang,Xiamen
Yan Yonglong
2005, 19(4): 215-217.
Because of high compensation for costly economic crops along the highway, and taking the requirements of ecology preserved and landscape into account,ecological friendly geocell reinforced retaining wall is used as shoulder retaining wall in this section, it was completed in July 2002. After about 2 years' observation, it is stable with small lateral displacenent and matches with the environment along the highway.