2005 Vol. 19, No. 6

Display Method:
The Infrastructure of the Grounderwater Resources and Environment Information System of Southwest Karst Area
Zhou Junhong
2005, 19(6): 271-275,280.
The infrastructure of the grounderwater resources and environment information system of southwest Karst area is introduced. The aim is to analysis the spatial distribution of the groundwater resources, environment, geological calamity and hydraulic engineering by means of the database and spatial analysis method in GIS. The systemic database is made up of spatial database and attribute database. The functions of the grounderwater resources and environment information system of southwest IKarst area can be divided into four parts: datum updating, information querying,spatial analysis and ploting.
Research for the Mud Flow in a Factory in the West of Liaoning Province
Wang Hongyin
2005, 19(6): 276-280.
Through the investigation for the mud flow disaster in a factory in the west of Liaoning province, the occurred condition and damage of mud flow are analyzed and the development trend is predicted, and the prevention method of mud flow is propond.
Application of Squeezed Branch Pile in Underground Building for Anti-floating Design
Fang Chong, Zhang Xingui, Bi Liping
2005, 19(6): 281-283,310.
Various current anti-floatting measures in the Underground building are analyzed. According to the bearing force character of squeezed branch pile, a new idea that squeezed branch pile is used to anti-floatting pile is suggested. The calculation formula and structure requests are given. The technology of construction for squeezed branch pile is elaborated too. A practical project is analyzed in technique and economy,it shows that it is very economical and reasonable that squeezed branch pile is used to solve the anti-floatting problem of the underground building.
Analysis of Subgrade's Long-term Stability by AHP and Fuzzy Mathematics Method
Fu Bingxian, Tang Fei, Li Tianjiang
2005, 19(6): 284-286,322.
According to engineer-geological investigation and detection on the silt subgrade with the low liquid limit, the major factors affecting the subgrade's long-term stability are defined and the fuzzy mathematics method combined with AHP are used to evaluate the subgrade's long-term stability.
Study on the Stability of Large Diameter Cylindrical Breakwater in Cross-anisotropic Soft Soil
Fan Qinglai, Wei Fengxian, Chen Yanming
2005, 19(6): 287-291.
A semi-three-dimensional plastic limit analysis method of the buried large diameter cylindrical breakwater in crossanisotropic soft rail is presented assuming conditions of rotational symmetry about the vertical axis. The failure mechanism assumed is that wedge(s) near the mudline and an arc slip surface at the base of the cylinder are formed when the cylinder structure overturns, rotating around a point which is on the synunetry axis of the cylinder. The method can allow for the different soil strengths in triaxial compression, extension and simple shear. This problem is also analyzed by plane strain FE and three dimensional FE, in which the soil employs a Hill yield criterion. All FE analyses are done through ABAQUS. The failure mechanism assumed and the plastic limit analysis predictions are validated by finite element analysis. The results indicate that the capacity of the structure, allowing for the soil's anisotropy, reduces considerably.
The Influence of Water Level Fluctuation on the Bank Slope Stability
Xia Hui, Liu Jinlong
2005, 19(6): 292-295.
Based on assumption of the pore water level is horizontal line and no seepage occurred in the slope, the influence of water-level fluctuation on stability of slope is presented through limit equilibrium method. It is shown that the factor of safety (FO8) of slope changes from slow decrease to rapid increase with water level slow raise, which get minimum value when ratio of water level-height of slope at 0.3, on the contrary, which get maximal value when water level as height as slope. There is no influence on FOS when the water level higher than slope. Further more, the FOS became less at water level rapid drawdown or rapid raise up than slow fluctuation. In order to avoid failure of slope, it is advised that water level fluctuated as slowly as human could controlled.
Experimental Study on Soft Foundation Consolidation Through Plastic Plate Drainage
Long Wei, Xiong Bo
2005, 19(6): 296-298.
From experimenting and sluding the foundation consolidation engineering of Guangzhou Meidi workshop, analysing the characteristic of the plastic plate drainage consolidation the deep soft foundation, and providing suggestion on similar engineering.
Experiment Research on Compactibility of Gravel-soil
Shi Weimin, Zheng Yingren
2005, 19(6): 299-302,306.
With the in-situ gravel-rail as trial materials, mean gradation is determined by particle size analysis. On the basis of the mean gradation, test grading is designed with substitution method. According to the character of gravel-rail, the water content of samples is determined according to the content of clay. The laws of the compactibility with water content and gravel content are studled by the samples made under same vertical pressure. The formula of optimum gravel content is deduced from theory. With the analysis of theory and experiment, the methods of determining the optimum gravel content and optimum water content of gravel-rail are presented.
Influence of Rigid Substratum on Upper Soil's Displacement
Kong Chuizhu, Deng Anfu
2005, 19(6): 303-306.
In soil-rock composite subgrade, rigid substratum affects the vertical displacement of upper soil. Through computation of two-dimensional object-oriented program of finite element, above influence is analyzed from two key aspects, the deepness of substratum and its rigidity. And some conclusions are drawn, which are useful for the similar engineerings.
Study on the Permeability of Municipal Solid Waste
Jie Yuxin, Dan Zengdunzhu, Wei Yifeng
2005, 19(6): 307-310.
The permeability test with different densities of municipal solid waste (MSW) sampled from a suburban building site of Beijing is introduced. The variation of the seepage coefficient with time during the test is also pre.sented. The test re.suits show that wilh the change of the sample's density the seepage coefficient is able to vary from 10-3 cm/s to 10-7 cm/s. It is also noticed that the seepage coefficient reduced with time going, the time for the coefficient to become a constant during the test was about 6 days. So it is supposed that to determine the seepage coefficient of MSW it is necessary to keep the test at least one week.
The Application of EPS in Road Foundation and Bridge Abutment Filling Engineering
Li Yonghong, Wu Tanggao, Feng Yong
2005, 19(6): 311-314.
In order to solve the problem of residual settlement at the road embankment and the jump of bridge, the method of light-soil is presented. The research results show that this application practice is very successful and satisfactory. The pressure on ground can be greatly reduced and the settlement and displacement of the EPS embankment are small. So the EPS embankment is worth applying and spreading.
The Water Resource in Jiangxi Province and Its Development and Utilization Countermeasure
Que Zushuang, Shao Fei
2005, 19(6): 315-318.
Jiangxi Province is one of the abundants province of water resource in our country, the lormatlon and distribution ot the water resource are closely related to physical geography and geological background of area. The water resource amount in the whole province is calculated, the law of distribution of space- time of the water resource is analyzed, and the environmental quality of water resource is assessed. According to the condition of Jiangxi Province and the water resource utilization current situation, the corresponding countermeasure on reasonable exploitation of water resource is proposed.
An Easy Estimation of Landslide Sliding Force Based on Back Calculation Principle
Jiang Zhongxin
2005, 19(6): 319-322.
Shearing strength parameters of slide surface are often determined by “back calculation method”. Analysis shows that, for the landslide of situated deformation condition, its sliding force can directly be estimated based on stability coefficient in present and safety coefficient in design. The sliding force equals to the product of distributive downslide force and the relative ratio between the stability and safety coefficients. Further, the suit conditions of the method in every design environmnents and every typical slide surface shapes are discussed. This is a simple method of estimating landslide slide force.