2007 Vol. 21, No. 1

Display Method:
Improvement of Cover Displacement Functions in the Numerical Manifold Method
Zhou Xiaoyi, Deng Anfu, Huang Runying
2007, 21(1): 1-3.
Based on research of the formation of stiffness matrix in the numerical manifold method, physical cover displacement function is improved to mend the stiffness matrix that relatively huge numerical value appears in part of that. The result shows that locally huge numerical value is greatly reduced as adoption of improved formulation of physical cover displacement function, and calculation efficiency is enhanced. This supplies a reasonable suggestion for the solution of the stiffness matrix. An example testifies the validity of the proposed approach.
Factors Affecting Electro-osmotic Drainage of Backfill Soil
Li Miao, Zhang Linhong, Wang Suda
2007, 21(1): 4-6,10.
Factors affecting electro-osmotic drainage is analyzed in terms of phenomena and results from the laboratory test program of backfill soil of moist area. Some suggestions are presented for practise.
Development of Earthwork Calculation Program With VB6.0 and Surfer Automation Technology
Han Kuifeng, Meng Feng
2007, 21(1): 7-10.
An earthwork calculation program is developed with Visual Basic 6.0 by quoting the Surfer soft. The program meets the needs of the practice and shows excellent performance on earthwork calculation.
Reliability Analysis of Moraine Soil Bench Slop in an Open Pit
Xu Dingping
2007, 21(1): 11-14.
Taking benches of slope in an open pit as the study object, Simplified Rosenblueth method as a new method of reliability analysis is presented and adopted to analyze the reliability of bench slope of primary design scheme and recommendatory scheme. The results indicate that high failure probability of benches is primarily depended on inherent variability of strength, anti-weathering ability and hydro-physical properties of moraine soil. And structure factors of slope bring little effects on it. The scheme of ternary benches whose platform widths are 3 m,3 m and 16 m is recommended and some effective measures such as holding up flood and revetment are put forward to enhance st,ability of benches.
Analysis and Discussion on Water Level for Prevention of Up-floating and Calculation of Uplift Pressure
Zhang Kuangcheng, Qiu Jianjin
2007, 21(1): 15-20.
Refer to discussion on prevention of up-floating and seepage of underground water in 11 papers and 2 books in past 10 years,some views and suggestions are put forward on oonfirmation of water level for prevention of up-floating and calculation of uplift pressure.
Dewatering Design Method of the Foundation Pit in Phreatic Aquifer Close to River
Liu Junlong
2007, 21(1): 21-24.
Base on the related formulas of JGJ 120-99 technical specification, with steady flow theory, tube wells are designed for dewatering in a foundation pit locate in phreatic aquifer close to fiver. Through one practical engineering, the applicability and the limitation of the formulas in JGJ 120-99 technical specification about the single well yield and the ground water drown down in one point of the foundation pit is discussed, and the improvement and perfection of the corresponding formulas suit for this state is put forward.
Vertical Uplift Capacity of Horizontal Anchor Plates
Liu Huaqiang, Huang Jingzhong
2007, 21(1): 25-27.
The development history of computational methods for vertical uplift capacity of horizontal anchor plates is reviewed. Based on the logarithmic spiral failure surface and combined with the characteristic line throry, a new computational method is proposed and procedure is prepared. To the cohesionless soil, through the comparision of results which obtained with predecessor's experimental material and Meyerhof and the Adams's computation theory, the correction and feasibility is indicated.
Analysis of the Adjacent Building Influence on Foundation Pit Deformation
Liu Dengpan, Liu Guobin
2007, 21(1): 28-31,45.
Combined with the potential insecurity of one subway foundation pit engineering, the monitoring data of foundation pit support wall and the adjacent building is analyzed on the basis of geological documents. It is found that the adjacent building has prominent influences on the deformation of the foundation pit, and the overloading of adjacent building and the stratum character of the construction field is the reason of the exceptional deformation during the excavation of foundation pit. The research has reference value for similar engineering.
Analysis on the Cushion Design for Rigid Pile Composite Ground
Shang Qinqin, Zhan Yongliang
2007, 21(1): 32-35.
Based on limit equilibrium theory, the effect on pile-soil stress ratio made by cushion thickness on pile and internal friction angle of cushion is analyzed. The calculating formulae of the settlement of pile-soil under foregone pressure is proposed, which account the interaction of pile-soil. Depending on the methods deduced above, the iterative calculating method for pile-soil stress ratio is put forward. A program is written and the samples are calculated. The analyses for results and the comparison with experimental date are presented.
Research on Groove Wall Stabilization of Diaphragm Wall
Zheng Yuhui
2007, 21(1): 36-38,50.
Based on the analysis of three important respects, the groove wall stabilization of diaphragm wall is studied. It's found that the geological condition, construction machinery, excavation method and the characteristics of stabilizing fluid play important roles in the stabilization of the groove wall. The mechanism of the failure of the groove wall is discussed by analyze on the factors affect stability or instability. The study of the groove wall stabilization mechanism can he reference for similar engineering.
Grouted Piles Foundation Treatment in Karst Cave Area
Sun Zengkui, He Qiong
2007, 21(1): 39-41.
Based on an engineering example, successful rnethods about pile located in karst cave area with grouting are introduced and the principle to reinforce pile with grouting is analyzed. And advice is put forward for the design and oonstruction of similar engineering.
Depth and Width Revision of Composite Foundation Bearing Capacity
Zhu Jintai, Liu Zunping, Xu Yaode
2007, 21(1): 42-45.
Ground treatment is employed to reinforce the ground and control the settlement. The revised bearing capacity is determined by the regulation of the Technical Code of Ground Treatment of Buildings. But the revised bearing capacity of the composite foundation is far lower than the expected value. There is conflict between the state standard and industry standard regulation. The conflict is studied, opinion is proposed.
Ground Treatment of a Tilted Oil Tank
Li Mingying
2007, 21(1): 46-50.
In allusion to an unexpected damage accident with No. 5 oil tank in some petrochemical company, the causes leading to the partial damage of the tank foundation and the tank's slant are analyzed. Based on geotechnical investigation and relevant geotechnical tests, a ground treatment measure to deal with the damage and the slant, successful application shows that the proposed measure is satisfied to the demands to strength, deformation and stability.
The Cause of Formation and Bearing Capacity of the Foundation Soil in Changchun Downtown Area
Li Xiangqun, Yu Guangyuan
2007, 21(1): 51-54.
Based on the statistical data, the type of cause of formation of downtown foundation soil is discussed. The average value of physics mechanics index of the soil of each layer, and the relativity is studied. The bearing capacity is presented.