2020 Vol. 34, No. 5

Technology Development and Exploration
Foundation Treatment Technology of Airfield in Shallow Karst Cavity
Wang Shuhua, Zhang Peng, Zhou Zhizhao, Shi Tianqi
2020, 34(5): 249-253,259. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2020.05.001
Based on the project of shallow karst cavity in Chenzhou Airport, Hunan Province, the effects of dynamic compaction of cushion and replacement pier of dynamic compaction on the treatment of shallow karst cavity are analyzed. Under the ramming energy of 4000 kN, the law of soil deformation and the change of physical and mechanical properties are studied. The standard and dynamic penetration test are carried out to verify the suitability of dynamic compaction. Results indicate that if the depth of foundation treatment is less than 2.0 m, it can be directly replaced; if the depth of foundation treatment is 2.0~8.0 m, it can be treated by cushion dynamic compaction method with point compaction twice and full compaction once, under the double control of 10~12 point compaction and final twice compaction with average settlement less than 5 cm; if the depth of foundation treatment is 8.0~10.0 m, it can be treated by replacement pier of dynamic compaction method to meet the requirement of foundation strength in karst airfield. it provides theoretical basis for foundation treatment engineering of airfield in shallow karst cavity area.
Application of Prestressed Fish-bellied Beam Steel Support in Deep Foundation Pit Enclosure
Du Changchun, Du Zhiguo, Guo An
2020, 34(5): 254-259. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2020.05.002
Support of prefabricated prestressed fish-bellied beam based on the prestressing principle is a new advanced environmental friendly internal support structure system of deep foundation pit. Two application examples of this steel structure support system in deep foundation pit in soft soil are introduced, including pit enclosure schemes and excavation results. The advantages of this support technology are summarized, including environmental friendliness, economical efficiency, short construction period, with comprehensive benefits. The problems of this support structure in deep soft soil are also discussed. Reference for the similar engineering design and construction in the local area are provided.
Application of Laser Scanning Combined with 3D Printing in the Protection and Restoration of Cultural Relics
Zhang Yong, Wang Changke, Yuan Ruihong
2020, 34(5): 260-262,267. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2020.05.003
Laser scanning and 3D printing could be used in the protection and restoration of cultural relics. Considering the limitations of the traditional digital methods of cultural relics, the non-contact and rapid acquisition of massive target surface data by laser scanning has outstanding advantages. Taking the Zhaozhou Bridge as an example, the basic technological process of using laser scanning and 3D printing technology in cultural relics preservation is elaborated, and the problem of digital information retention and accurate restoration of traditional cultural relics is solved. The special application of laser scanning and 3D printing in cultural relics preservation is studied.
Application of BIM in Foundation Pit Engineering for Mountainous City
Li Junxin, Yang Xun, Gao Hong, Xu Gang, Wei Lai
2020, 34(5): 263-267. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2020.05.004
A foundation pit in typical geological condition in mountainous area of Chongqing is analysed as an example. Key points of BIM application in the project is analysed and a three-dimensional modelling flow of foundation pit engineering is proposed. A three-dimensional geology-design coupling model of foundation pit is constructed based on BIM Civil 3D and Revit. Based on this model, the foundation collision check between the main object and the adjacent constructions is tested firstly. Then, three-dimensional display, two-dimensional drawing and statistical computation are established, separately. Finally, the construction process is simulated. The results show that the three-dimensional visualization model based on BIM can realize a fine demonstration of the geological condition and support design, and descript the construction plan dynamically. This model can effectively solve the problems in mountainous city foundation pit engineering, including the uneven distribution of rock and soil, a variety of slope type and retaining structure, adjacent building foundation conflict and the complex construction procedure.
Deformation Control Measures of Underground Tunnel under the Tunneling of Large Section and Straight Wall
Li He, Li Fei, Li Yuzhu
2020, 34(5): 268-272. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2020.05.005
Limited by the shape of the excavation which cannot form an effective arch, there are extremely high requirements for deformation control during the tunneling of large section flat-top straight wall section tunnel. Through the Wukesong underground parking garage-underpass-intermediate pedestrian passage under the subway line 1 project, the deformation law of the tunnel under the existing subway structure is analyzed, and relevant concepts and measures to control the existing structural deformation are proposed. Measures are adopted to control the deformation, such as advanced deep hole grouting, multiple support of primary lining, dynamic grouting, and structural displacement control. The deformation of existing subway structures was successfully controlled within 3 mm, ensuring the structural safety and operational safety of subway. The increase of the stiffness of the elastic foundation beam, the control concept of the existing structural displacement distribution and the above-mentioned related measures can effectively control the deformation of the existing structure during the construction of the large section flat-top straight wall tunnel, and provide reference for similar projects.
Application of CFG Pile in Non-self-weight Collapsible Loess Stratum
Sun Jinlong
2020, 34(5): 273-275. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2020.05.006
Taking Hongxiangmeiyu foundation treatment project in Xiahuayuan District of Zhangjiakou as an example, combined with the technical principle of CFG pile composite foundation, the characteristics of non-self-weight collapsible loess bearing load before reaching the initial collapsible pressure are fully utilized. By adjusting the load distribution between pile and soil, the load of non-self-weight collapsible loess should not exceed its initial collapsible pressure, which can be controlled under the condition of collapsibility. The bearing capacity and settlement control of foundation can meet the design requirements of buildings, thus greatly reducing the cost of foundation treatment, and providing a new treatment of non-self-weight collapsible loess foundation.
Karst Investigation and the Countermeasures in Xinjie Tunnel of the Kaili Ring Highway, Guizhou Province
Wang Jian, Wang Lijun, Ma Jianxin, He Xin
2020, 34(5): 276-281,285. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2020.05.007
It is prone to encountering water inflow in karst tunnels. To avoid water inflow incidents in the construction of karst tunnel, field geological investigation was adopted to investigate the karst geology conditions in Xinjie tunnel of Kaili ring highway in Guizhou Province. It indicated that karst was extremely developed on the site of Xinjie tunnel, including karst depressions, skinholes and karst caves. Furthermore, there might be a large karst cave in the area where the tunnel passed through, and the probability of karst water inrush was high. In order to prevent karst water inrush incident, geological prediction by ground penetrating radar was applied to detect the geology conditions in front of the tunnel face. The results of geological prediction at two typical tunnel faces were analyzed and compared with the geological conditions exposed by subsequent excavation, which show that the geological prediction by ground penetrating radar had detected the geological conditions in front of tunnel face efficiently and could provide supports for safe excavations.
Application of QR Code Technology in Underground Pipeline Marking
Yin Yanyun, Li Shifeng, Chen Zhen, Du Wenxiao
2020, 34(5): 282-285. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2020.05.008
The traditional information acquisition from underground pipelines has the disadvantages of high cost, low efficiency and potential safety hazards. The technology of information sharing and acquisition based on QR code technology provides a new solution for the management, operation and social sharing of underground pipelines. The pipeline management platform based on QR code technology improves the management level and the degree of pipeline information sharing, and saves social costs.
Experimental Research
Permeability Characteristics and Foundation Pit Precipitation Measures of Coral Reef Limestone
Zheng Jianguo, Qiao Jianwei, Tang Guoyi
2020, 34(5): 286-289. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2020.05.009
The structure characteristics and permeability characteristics of coral reef limestone in East Java, Indonesia were analyzed by engineering geological drilling and water pressure test in borehole. And the foundation pit precipitation measures in coral reef limestone area were studied by field test. The results show that the upper part of the coral reef limestone in this area can be divided into plaster mixed with calcareous concretion of coral reef, fragmented coral reef limestone and columnar coral reef limestone according to the consolidation degree. The permeability rate of coral reef limestone is controlled by the degree development of the dissolved cave inside the rock mass and its connectivity, and the permeability rate of coral reef limestone is inversely proportional to the consolidation degree. The permeability rate of the plaster mixed with calcareous concretion of coral reef is infinite. The permeability rate of fragmented coral reef limestone is 31~74 Lu, and in the local area is infinite. The permeability rate of columnar coral reef limestone is 2.25~17 Lu, which decreases with increasing depth. The direct pumping and drainage measures can not effectively decrease the groundwater level of the foundation pit. The pressure grouting water-resisting curtain can greatly reduce the permeability rate of the coral reef limestone by filling the dissolved caves inside the rock mass, and can be used for the foundation pit dewatering in the coral reef limestone area.
Mechanical Properties by Frozen-thaw of Seasonal Frozen Soil in Changchun Area
Guo Hongmei
2020, 34(5): 290-295. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2020.05.010
The change of soil mechanical parameters of seasonal frozen soil under freezing and thawing cycles in Changchun area is studied. Soil samples were taken from typical soil layers and tested in the laboratory. The physical and mechanical parameters of soil samples under three different conditions, namely undisturbed soil, primary frost-thaw soil and secondary frozen-thaw soil, had been tested, compared and analyzed.The variation law of mechanical parameters under the action of the second frozen-thaw cycle were concluded. The frost heave and thaw settlement under the action of the second frozen-thaw cycle were also tested, and the main factors affecting the frost heave of foundation soil were analyzed in detail. The corresponding prevention and control measures were put forward according to the influencing factors.
Dynamic Characteristics of Deep Old Cohesive Soil under the Influence of Traffic Load
Zhang Shuxuan, Chen Liwei, Yang Weimin, Si Haibao
2020, 34(5): 296-302,311. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2020.05.011
When Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway pass through the Guanting area, under the long-term traffic cyclic dynamic loading, the deep old cohesive soil will be deformed, which may affect the safety of high-speed railway operation. Focusing on this problem, GDS dynamic triaxial apparatus was used to study the dynamic characteristics of Guanting deep old cohesive soil, considering dynamic frequency, dynamic stress amplitude and consolidation stress. The results show that the strength of Guanting deep old cohesive soil is higher than that of ordinary mucky soil. For the same consolidation stress, the higher the dynamic stress ratio is, the greater development the dynamic strain is. The effect of low frequency load on dynamic strain is more obvious than the high frequency for the same layer. Under the same dynamic stress ratio, same frequency and different consolidation stress, the dynamic strain curves are divided into failure type, critical type and stable type. Soil with higher consolidation stress is more difficult to produce dynamic strain, and the less vibration required to reach stability. The research conclusions have reference value for the study of dynamic characteristics of deep old cohesive soil under traffic cyclic loading, and provide a reference for the settlement control of high-speed railway.
Particle Breakage and Meso-scopic Mechanism of Gravelly Soil by Dynamic Compaction Treatment
Fu Le, Cong Xiaoming, Li Gang, Qiu Jun
2020, 34(5): 303-307. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2020.05.012
Gravelly soil is widely used as backfill materials in sea reclamation and valley filling. Dynamic compaction is a priority method to treat gravelly soil foundation. It is important to study the fracture mechanism of gravelly soil under dynamic compaction. In the research, the relative particle breakage rate is chosen as the quantification index of particle breakage. The particle breakage test reveals the positive correlation between relative particle breakage rate and confining pressure, and determines the reasonable fitting formula. It indicates that the more pressure caused by dynamic compaction, the deeper the particle breakage. It is found that the peak internal friction angle of gravelly soil decreases with the increase of particle breakage. The weakening of this strength parameter should be paid more attention to in the treatment of gravelly soil. The dry density and pore ratio of the samples increased and decreased linearly with the increase of the relative particle breakage rate, which reflected the compacting process of gravelly soil under the action of dynamic compaction. The particle breakage can improve the gradation of gravel soil, making it easier to reach the dense state, which is an important meso-scopic mechanism of treatment by dynamic compaction of gravelly soil.
Experimental on Compaction Test of the Recycled Aggregate Mixture with Different Particle Size
Chen Jiankang, Jiao Weigang, Yang Yi
2020, 34(5): 308-311. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2020.05.013
Compaction test of the recycled aggregate mixture with different particle size was conducted, and the influence factors of the optimum moisture content (wopt) and the maximum dry density (ρmax) were analyzed. Considering such three effective factors including aggregate amount, cement amount and fly ash amount, the compaction test was conducted using orthogonal experimental design. The primary relationship for the influence of the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density was analyzed by the extremum difference analysis.