Volume 37 Issue 5
Oct.  2023
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Wen Jiwei, Liu Xinghong, Bai Kunxiao, Zhang Yingxu, Xiang Tian, Hu Ping. Discussion on the Development of Drilling Techniques for Engineering Investigation[J]. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING TECHNIQUE, 2023, 37(5): 505-517. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2023.05.001
Citation: Wen Jiwei, Liu Xinghong, Bai Kunxiao, Zhang Yingxu, Xiang Tian, Hu Ping. Discussion on the Development of Drilling Techniques for Engineering Investigation[J]. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING TECHNIQUE, 2023, 37(5): 505-517. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2023.05.001

Discussion on the Development of Drilling Techniques for Engineering Investigation

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2993.2023.05.001
  • Received Date: 2022-09-25
  • Accepted Date: 2023-05-06
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-12-29
  • Available Online: 2023-10-16
  • Publish Date: 2023-10-16
  • The drilling techniques involved in engineering investigation were systematically summarized, including soil sampler and coring drill, in-situ testing techniques, high-efficient drilling coring (sampling) techniques and joint investigation techniques, and their characteristics were combed, compared and analyzed. Suggestions were put forward to solve the existing problems. It is recommended to further optimize the drilling process and upgrade the modular and intelligent research and development of the matching drilling tools, promote the cross integration of different types of drilling technologies, as well as the joint application of drilling technology with multidisciplinary technologies such as geophysical exploration and remote sensing. It can lay a foundation for the high-efficient development of subsequent engineering investigation.


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