Construction and field study of the freezing method for vertically misaligned irregular connection passage in subway tunnels
摘要: 为解决间距大,上下错位地铁隧道异形联络通道的施工问题,采用在联络通道中部设置竖井、上下双通道分别冻结与构筑的方案,对冻结过程进行了温度与地表位移变化规律实测研究。结果表明:(1)冻结期间测温孔的温度变化可分为3个阶段,包括积极冻结前期测点温度迅速下降、积极冻结后期测点温度稳定下降、维护冻结阶段前期温度稳定后期开挖温度持续升高;(2)冻结壁往内侧扩展速率是向外侧扩展速率的1.1倍左右;(3)联络通道的地表位移在积极冻结期间迅速隆起,在维护冻结期间冻结产生的隆起和开挖引起的沉降相互抵消,大致呈现稳定趋势;(4)在不同埋深条件下,竖向和水平向地表冻胀隆起速率都是由联络通道轴线中心处向两侧逐渐减小,同时埋深越深地表的冻结隆起速率差异越小;(5)大间距、上下错位地铁隧道异形联络通道采用在联络通道中部设置竖井、两个错位通道分别冻结构筑方案合理可行,可为类似工程参考。
- 上下错位异形联络通道 /
- 冻结法 /
- 冻结温度场 /
- 地表竖向位移
Abstract: To solve the construction issues of irregular connection passages in subway tunnels with significant gaps and vertical misalignments, a structural scheme involving the incorporation of vertical shafts at the midpoint of the connection passage was proposed, alongside a dual-channel method where both the upper and lower passages were separately frozen and constructed. An empirical study scrutinizing the patterns of temperature variations and ground surface displacements during the freezing process was conducted, revealing the following results: (1) The fluctuations in temperature recorded at the monitoring holes during the freezing phase can be delineated into three distinct stages: a rapid decline in temperature during the early active freezing stage, followed by a stable decrease in temperature in the latter part of the active freezing stage, temperature stability in the early stage of the segment and finally a sustained increase in temperature during the later part of the maintenance freezing stage, exacerbated by ongoing excavation activities; (2) The speed of inward expansion of the freezing wall was found to be approximately 1.1 times higher than the outward expansion rate, illustrating a predominant inward growth during the freezing operations; (3) The ground deformation within the connection passage exhibited a rapid uplift during the active freezing phase. This was counterbalanced during the maintenance freezing phase, where the uplift induced by freezing was largely offset by the settlement caused by excavation, thus resulting in a generally stable trend; (4) At various burial depths, both vertical and horizontal ground freezing expansion uplift rates demonstrated a gradual decrease from the central axis of the connection passage moving towards either side. Furthermore, it was observed that greater burial depths resulted in a reduced discrepancy in ground freezing uplift rates; (5) The structural approach of installing vertical shafts at the midpoint of the irregular connection passage, complemented by individual freezing plans for the two vertically misaligned passages in the wide-spacing subway tunnel, proved to be a rational and viable solution for similar engineering projects. -
表 1 地层参数表
名称 重度
粉质黏土19 9 25 3~3.9 ④-2砂质粉土 18.7 28 16.5 2~3.4 ⑤-1粉质黏土 19.4 40 16 6.5~7.2 表 2 联络通道冻结主要设计参数表
序号 参数名称 单位 参数值 1 冻结壁设计厚度 m 1.8 2 冻结壁平均温度 ℃ ≤−10 3 积极冻结时间 天 45 4 设计最低盐水温度 ℃ −28~−30 5 维护冻结盐水温度 ℃ ≤−28 6 测温孔个数 个 16 7 卸压孔个数 个 8 8 冻结孔 个 76 -
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