Jet grouting materials in sandy silt soil layer considering the time-dependent behavior of viscosity
摘要: 高压旋喷技术在水利工程、基础工程、地下工程、深基坑工程中应用广泛。然而在粉砂土地层条件下,由于土颗粒的黏聚力差,采用常规水泥基固化剂进行施工时,浆液在高喷浆压力下难以聚集、极易流失,导致旋喷桩施工质量差。针对上述问题研发高效的速凝材料,使得浆液快速凝结固化,解决粉砂土地层中浆液难以聚集的问题。研究基于高压旋喷侵蚀理论模型,提出考虑黏度时变性的浆液扩散距离计算方法,并对不同配比下的水泥–水玻璃浆液开展黏度试验,研究了各组别黏度随时间变化规律,在考虑凝胶时间、材料强度及浆液扩散距离的前提下,综合优化了粉砂土地层下水泥–水玻璃速凝材料配比,最终给出粉砂土地层水泥–水玻璃浆液推荐配比为水灰质量比1.0~1.2、水泥与水玻璃体积比为1∶0.1。本研究对于速凝浆液在高压旋喷法中的理论分析及工程配比优化具有参考意义。Abstract: Jet grouting technology is widely used in hydraulic engineering, foundation engineering, underground engineering, and deep excavation engineering. However, in fine sandy silt soil strata, conventional cement-based solidifiers result in poor construction quality due to the slurry's tendency to disperse under high pressure. To address this, an efficient rapid-setting material was developed, enabling faster slurry solidification and improved performance in fine sand soils. Based on a theoretical model of jet grouting erosion, a method for calculating slurry diffusion distance that considers viscosity changes over time was proposed. Viscosity tests were conducted on cement-water glass slurries at various ratios, analyzing how viscosity evolved with time. Considering gelation time, material strength, and slurry diffusion distance, the study optimized the mix ratio of cement-water glass rapid-setting materials for fine sand soil layers. The recommended mix ratio was determined to be a water-cement ratio of 1.0 to 1.2 and a volume ratio of 1∶0.1. This research provides references for optimizing rapid-setting slurries for jet grouting applications, offering practical guidance for enhancing construction practices in challenging soil conditions.
表 1 水泥基本参数
检测项目 技术指标 检测结果 初凝时间/min ≥60 176 终凝时间/min ≤600 310 3 d抗折强度/MPa ≥3.5 4.2 28 d抗折强度/MPa ≥6.5 7.1 3 d抗压强度/MPa ≥17 22.3 28 d抗压强度/MPa ≥42.5 48.2 表 2 水泥化学成分
成分 $ {\mathrm{S}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{O}}_{2} $ $ {\mathrm{F}\mathrm{e}}_{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{3} $ $ {\mathrm{A}\mathrm{l}}_{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{3} $ $ \mathrm{C}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{O} $ $ \mathrm{M}\mathrm{g}\mathrm{O} $ $ {\mathrm{S}\mathrm{O}}_{3} $ 含量/% 22 4.2 5.2 63 1.5 2.2 表 3 试验组配比设置
组别 水灰质量比 水泥:水玻璃(体积比) 1 0.6 1∶0.1 2 1∶0.3 3 1∶0.6 4 1∶1 5 0.8 1∶0.1 6 1∶0.3 7 1∶0.6 8 1∶1 9 1 1∶0.1 10 1∶0.3 11 1∶0.6 12 1∶1 13 1.2 1∶0.1 14 1∶0.3 15 1∶0.6 16 1∶1 表 4 各组别黏度–时间拟合公式
水灰质量比 水泥与水玻璃体积比 编号 拟合公式 1.2 1∶0.1 $ {\mu }_{1} $ $ {\mu }_{1}=7.514\times {10}^{-7}{t}^{3.973} $ 1∶0.3 $ {\mu }_{2} $ $ {\mu }_{2}=0.00306{t}^{2.399} $ 1∶0.6 $ {\mu }_{3} $ $ {\mu }_{3}=3.237\times {10}^{-5}{t}^{3.270} $ 1∶1 $ {\mu }_{4} $ $ {\mu }_{4}=1.359\times {10}^{-9}{t}^{5.099} $ 1.0 1∶0.1 $ {\mu }_{5} $ $ {\mu }_{5}=9.654\times {10}^{-5}{t}^{3.056} $ 1∶0.3 $ {\mu }_{6} $ $ {\mu }_{6}=0.0121{t}^{2.189} $ 1∶0.6 $ {\mu }_{7} $ $ {\mu }_{7}=3.111\times {10}^{-4}{t}^{2.873} $ 1∶1 $ {\mu }_{8} $ $ {\mu }_{8}=9.735\times {10}^{-6}{t}^{3.378} $ 0.8 1∶0.1 $ {\mu }_{9} $ $ {\mu }_{9}=0.00841{t}^{2.290} $ 1∶0.3 $ {\mu }_{10} $ $ {\mu }_{10}=0.19911{t}^{2.428} $ 1∶0.6 $ {\mu }_{11} $ $ {\mu }_{11}=9.263\times {10}^{-4}{t}^{2.860} $ 1∶1 $ {\mu }_{12} $ $ {\mu }_{12}=4.452\times {10}^{-5}{t}^{3.220} $ 0.6 1∶0.1 $ {\mu }_{13} $ $ {\mu }_{13}=0.16657{t}^{1.677} $ 1∶0.3 $ {\mu }_{14} $ $ {\mu }_{14}=0.91846{t}^{1.326} $ 1∶0.6 $ {\mu }_{15} $ $ {\mu }_{15}=0.01241{t}^{2.194} $ 1∶1 $ {\mu }_{16} $ $ {\mu }_{16}=9.379\times {10}^{-5}{t}^{3.121} $ -
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