Cause Analysis and Comprehensive Treatment of Back Mountain Landslide Slope of Bailian Temple in Ningde
摘要: 宁德白莲寺后山滑坡为中型牵引式土质滑坡,是典型的由于坡脚不合理开挖叠加强降雨作用导致的滑坡。根据勘查成果,采用圆弧法和有限元法对滑坡进行稳定性分析,分析结果显示,一般工况下滑坡处于基本稳定状态,暴雨工况下滑坡处于不稳定—欠稳定状态。滑坡治理采用削坡卸载、锚杆框架梁、植被防护、抗滑桩、坡脚挡墙及设置截排水沟等综合治理措施,治理效果较好,可为类似滑坡工程提供参考。Abstract: The back mountain landslide of Bailian Temple in Ningde is a medium-sized traction type soil landslide, which is a typical landslide caused by unreasonable excavation at the foot of the slope and heavy rainfall. According to the survey results, the arc method and finite element method were used to analyze the stability of the landslide. The analysis results show that the landslide is basically stable under general conditions, and unstable - understable under rainstorm conditions. The landslide treatment adopts comprehensive measures such as slope cutting and unloading, anchor frame beams, vegetation protection, anti-slip piles, retaining walls, and setting up interception and drainage ditches. The treatment effect is good and can provide reference for similar landslide projects.
Key words:
- landslide /
- saturated stagnant water zone /
- arc method /
- finite element /
- stability evaluation /
- anchor bar /
- anti-slip pile
表 1 岩土体物理力学指标参数表
岩土层名称 重度γ/(kN.m−3) 黏聚力c /kPa 内摩擦角φ/(°) 含碎石黏性土② 17.8 15 17 碎块石②-1 18.9 0 30 凝灰熔岩残积土③ 18.6 13.7(天然) 24.37(天然) 11.35(饱和) 20.52(饱和) 10.21(残余) 13.11(残余) 全风化凝灰熔岩 19.0 30 28 表 2 稳定性计算结果
剖面 工况 稳定系数Fs 安全系数 稳定状态 1-1′ 一般 1.086 1.30 基本稳定 暴雨 1.012 1.15 欠稳定 2-2′ 一般 1.066 1.30 基本稳定 暴雨 0.976 1.15 不稳定 3-3′ 一般 1.076 1.30 基本稳定 暴雨 0.989 1.15 不稳定 4-4′ 一般 1.066 1.30 基本稳定 暴雨 1.027 1.15 欠稳定 5-5′ 一般 1.075 1.30 基本稳定 暴雨 1.028 1.15 欠稳定 -
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