1994 Vol. 8, No. 4

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1994, 8(4): 1-5.
1994, 8(4): 6-12.
During construction of the largest docks in China, the leakage of seawater and groundwater occurred in the constructive site. The causes of leakage in the cofferdam and in the excavation of the dock were analysed in this paper. And various leakproof methods and effects are presented.
1994, 8(4): 13-17,60.
Seven relationships between vibro-pipe sinking compactive stone column and composite ground are discussed in this paper. It is a summary of the construction of the vibro-pipe sinking compactive stone column.
1994, 8(4): 18-20,23.
That the values of the bearing capacity of the groand calculated by multiple methods are difference is given through engineering practice in this paper. The evalnative index and calculative formula selecteed to determine the final value are proposed and compared with the loading test data.
1994, 8(4): 21-23.
That the plan of pile foundation is determined by the ambiguous decision with multiple objective is proposed in this paper. The suitability and reliahility of this method arc illustrated by cases.
1994, 8(4): 24-26.
Three engineering practices that the building ground based on the fill soil and soft soil are summaried on the relationship of ground,foundation and upper structure and profound experiences are given out. It is very important to understand the above relationship during the processing of engineering geological surveying.
1994, 8(4): 27-29.
1994, 8(4): 30-35,26.
The analysis and evaluation on the expansibility of the clayey soil of Xiasa system and mesh structured clay distributed in the Wuhan Assembly Factory of Shenlong Motor Vehicle Limited Company are carried out in this paper. Based on above analysis, the distinguish method to expansive soil is proposed by our views and it is emphasized that the studies of the concert relationship between multiple indexs would be strengthened daring the process of distinguish.
1994, 8(4): 36-40,52.
The mechanism of the soil deformation due to the construction of static press pile in the saturated soft clay area is researched in this paper based on the analysis of the internal relations between the volumetric strain and pore water pressure. And the theorical base is provided for the selection of the guard plan.
1994, 8(4): 41-43.
The kinds and studied situation of the geotechnical model test were summaried briefly in this paper. The basic principle and the applied prospects in foundation engineering of the new hydraulic model test method were expounded emphasisly.
1994, 8(4): 44-47.
1994, 8(4): 47-52.
The relationship between determining lower limit of groundwater activities and sitting permanent deposing nuclear waste material is discussed in this article. These views are based on tho experience of teaching and scientific research and analysing hydrogeological features of exploration site in Long Men Mountains, which includes following coateutsi (1) Lower limit of groundwater activities involved in groundwater formation, (2) Different features of lower limit of groan-water activities in different hydrogeological conditioasi; (3) Change of lower limit of groundwater actirities; (4)Determination of lower limit of groundwater activities; (5) Discussing the lower limit of groundwater activties of exploration site in Long Men Mountains; (6)The hydrogeo logic principles of sitting permanent deposing nuclear waste material.
1994, 8(4): 53-54,12.
1994, 8(4): 55-56,29.
The researches and analysis to the method and accuracy of the application of the handlead below water with engineering cases were carried out. And some valuable conclusions were obtained.
1994, 8(4): 57-60.
丁he basic principle of intersection traverse and its application in engineering surveying are described in this paper. And the program flowchart is given out and the procedures are also presented with cases.
1994, 8(4): 61-62.
The researches and analyses to the surveying method and its accuracy for the declination of the Tewering Cylinder Structure in the Crowded Factories Area were carried out with engineering practucs.