1995 Vol. 9, No. 3

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1995, 9(3): 1-7.
Routine labortory tests are done for blown sand,static-triaxial test is done for dry and saturated sand. The triaxial test data have been treated using regressive analysis method* It is stated clearly that the (σ13)-ε% curve of blown sand fits closely with the Duncan-chang no-linear model.
1995, 9(3): 8-10,37.
During the constructtion of drilled cast-in-place pile by normal circulation drilling, the time of the second clean-out hole must be controlled based on different soil properties. The time of clean-out hole is too short, the specific gravity of the mud and the thickness of the sediment at the bottom exceed standard value.The time is too long, the specific gravity is much small, the thickness of the sediment is bigger. In order to obtain the best values of the specific gravity and the thickness of sediment, it is necessary to control the time of the second clean-out Hole.
1995, 9(3): 11-17.
The permeability of the rock salt stratum in Chaerhan salt lake is mainly affected by the grain diameter, porosity, inhomogeneous coefficient of rock salt and the physical and chemical properties of bittern.The formula to calculate the permeability of the rock salt is proposed based on the laboratory studies and the results of drawing bittern test in-situ and the permeability distribution is forecasted in this paper.
1995, 9(3): 17-20.
The effections processing the silt saline soil ground with dynamic compaction and replacement cushion method are discussed through several engineering practices. The failure Causes of ground processing are summarized. some views and suggestions are proposed.
1995, 9(3): 21-25.
1995, 9(3): 26-30,25.
Based on engineering practices of Anqin highway bridge across the Yangtze River, application of remote sensing technique to engineering geological survey are presented herein. It is suggested from this study the remote sensing technique is one of the most basic and principal methods in engineering geologic survey, and it has great importance to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the engineering geologic study.
1995, 9(3): 31-32.
1995, 9(3): 33-35.
1995, 9(3): 36-37.
A Program of LISP processing language is introduced in this paper.It was used to write automatically the pile number with AutoCAD.
1995, 9(3): 38-42.
The characteristics of limnetic facies sedimentation in Quaternary plain are introduced, and some problems on design and construction of water supply well and the solving method in this region are discussed by engineering examples in this paper.
1995, 9(3): 42-46.
The experiences of searching bedrock groundwater with sounding by D. C. in the district of Yongding road, Yuquan road and Yamenkou in Beijing is introduced in this paper.
1995, 9(3): 47-50.
The data transmit form between CAD system in the surveying and plan design——the numerical map and the method of data transmiting on the basis of the formed surveying and planning design system is introduced in this paper.
1995, 9(3): 50-56.
Graphing settlement curves is an important content in the analysing of the settlement observing results for high building. A practical program used to graph settlement curves with computer is introduced in this paper. This method can replace manual work and save time and energy largely,arid the quality is also better.
1995, 9(3): 57-59.
To estimate the precision of the EDM synthetical distance measurement by using the variance-covariance components fitting method is proposed in this paper. The influence of short or long field base line on the solution accuracy by regression equation is discussed. A practical example is given to illustrate its application results.
1995, 9(3): 60-63,59.
To overcome the shortcoming of that the running time is long by the program with high-grade language for PC-1500 series computer, a program of level net error correct with three nodes with machine language is provided, it saves time obviously.