1997 Vol. 11, No. 2

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Wang Buyun, Zhao Xiuqin
1997, 11(2): 3-5.
Shen Changlu, Kong Qinghua, Gui Songli
1997, 11(2): 6-11,36.
Guo Xin
1997, 11(2): 12-15.
The basic idea and the matematic principle of classification of rook massquality for Badaling area are presented in this paper. The satisfied results are obtained toBadaling expressway with this method.
Liu Dajun, Feng Zhengqing, Fang Xuesong
1997, 11(2): 16-19,15.
Vibro-sinking cast-in-place pile is widelY used because it has many advantages.However, the problems about the construction quality are possible to happen because of thecomplicated constructive technique. This paper analyses these problems and proposed correspondingprevent methods and measures.
Bian Yueming, Kou Binghou, Wang Xuejun
1997, 11(2): 20-24.
This paper introduces the properties, constructive technique and quality testof root piles through practical cases. And proposes some views for reference.
Ou Zhaoyuan, Liu Ying, Luo Hongfu
1997, 11(2): 25-28.
This paper analyses and studies the engineering geological characters of Redclay distributed in Taishan area. And determined that the Red clay in this area is belong to the sa-me class as distributed in south area. There is Red clay occasionally in the north latitudeof 35°~36.5° of Shandong province.
Li Zhenming
1997, 11(2): 29-32.
The substructure interface method is presented to solve contact problems ofbodies of underground structures. It can be used to effectived simulate the cracking and slidingon the interface. It can solve distribution stress and defromation characteristic on interface. Thismethod don't demand the stiffness parameters of the interface.
Wang Hongyin
1997, 11(2): 33-36.
This paper introduces the type, cause of formation, character and distinguishmethod to recently deposited soil in Beijing area.
Sun Yanlin, Zhou Zhou, Wang Zhichun, Xia Xiangdong
1997, 11(2): 37-41.
This paper discusses the design, construction and monitoring test of foundationpit protect through practical cases. Especially about the application of soil-nail wall techniqueand compared with the revetment pile.
Cui Guoliang
1997, 11(2): 42-46.
This paper introduces the exchange pole property of survey potential and theverify process. Analyses and discusses the mechanism, significance and applying value. And obtained corresponding conclusions.
Li Fansheng
1997, 11(2): 47-51.
There is certain temperature difference between the surface water and groundwater in the same area in normal temperature.Percolation and supply between thes two kinds of water can make thes difference change.This paper proposed the surveying temperature in mountain area to deduce the drain volume from groundwater to river,and to search groundwater resoures and assess in quantity the groundwater.
Li Dongxia
1997, 11(2): 52-54.
This paper analyses the causes influencing the quality and experiences of dewatering based on engineering cases. Proposed some measures for improving the engineering qualityof dewatering in foundation pit.
Yu Yousheng, Tao Yijun, Mei Tingyue
1997, 11(2): 55-57.
In GIS application systems, the understanding problems about scale, flame,legend and financial budget are discussed in this paper.
Zhang Yuqing, Huang Limei, Kang Yan, Gao Qiuhua
1997, 11(2): 58-62.
In this paper, the methods of the determination and the analysis urban evolution ate discussed with the multi-period aerial image and the relevant auxiliary data. The analysis research are qualitative, positioning and quantitative for the distribution of industry, agriculture, traffic, environment and municipal work in the difference history period of urban Thegeneral character problems are concluded scientifically in the urthan evolution, and the achievementcan be used to guide urban planning and construction.
Lin Suxiong
1997, 11(2): 62-64.
Test studies of refraction survey method and instantaneous mechanicalimpedance method are proceed to large model pile set on surface. The test results indicatestEat the time period wave type of refraction survey method is obvious and the effect is better.And the frequency range transmit function curve character is no reflect, and the effect is notgood. The select of the test method can not be ignored. The better dynamic test results can beobtained by comprehensively applied the time period method and the frequency range method.