1997 Vol. 11, No. 3

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Chen Guozheng
1997, 11(3): 4-8.
This papet inttoduces the principle and method of the small loading test inlab. Through comparison the studies of loading test between in situ and in lab, it is possible toteplace the in-situ large plate loading test with simple small 1oading test in lab. It is feasible tothe nolineap deformation calculation of ground soil and the evaluation of the construct property.It is a new method with practical significance.
Guo Xin
1997, 11(3): 9-11,30.
This paper discussed the classification method of granite weathering zone in-situ throngh fhe engineering case of Dadaling Expressway.And proposed the preliminary sug-gestions for the standatd of tlie classification of tLe weathering granite.
Hao Yonghua
1997, 11(3): 12-15.
This paper analyses the load transtnit characteristics along deep direction ofsoiI-cement pile under the vertical load. And discussed on mechanism.
Wang Zhiyong
1997, 11(3): 16-18.
This paper proved that the distribution of pile bearing capaciti is normaldistribution by mathematical statistics and obtaineo thelfrequency curve. And the design value ofbearing capacity is decided by reliabilitY.
Liu Limin, Zhang Jianxin
1997, 11(3): 19-20,35.
This paper proposed the cnaracteristics and affecting factors of the driticaldisplacement of cast-in-place pile. Tnrough tne theoretical calculation of load. trauareit methodand the analyses about engineering practical test data. Aad provided the basis to properly unde-rstand the 1ateral frictional resistance of cast-in-place pile, and. to optimize the, design of cast-in- place pile.
Tian Yuefeng
1997, 11(3): 21-22.
This paper studies the error of quick consolidated test through a 1arge numberof the compared test data. And ptoposed the suitable range of this: metliod.
Li Yan, Zhang Wenqing, Yao Zhili
1997, 11(3): 23-26.
The idea of quick constructing method of plasticity concrete diaphtagm wallis proposed based on the foundation pit water-tight engineering.It is an economical, simple andquick constructing method. The trench excavating,mixing and diaphragm wall are completed co-ntinuously. It has good effect for water-tight stability of fouldation pit.
Wu Nengsen, Zheng Jianrong
1997, 11(3): 26-30.
This paper preliminary studied and discussed the mechanical behavior of theman dug supporting pile based on tlie idea of earth arch effect. And provided some consult forthe same kind studies and engineeting desifn through the calculation and analysis for an enginee-ring case.
Ma Yongqi
1997, 11(3): 31-35.
This paper introdcues the method to reasonably select the parameters of gro-undsoils. The focal point of design is the key position of support structure. According to tlie me-chanics prpperties of pile shaft, the uneven mixed reinforcing bar is adopted. Tlie safisfactoryeffect in economical of this engineering is obtained.
Li Dongxia, Peng Shuyin, Li Qiulan
1997, 11(3): 36-40.
The ground soils below the building foundation loosened heavily due tounsuitable construction. It threatened the safety of near structures and safely operating of gaspiping or heat piping. Based on tlie understanding and studying to the causes and the propertiesof tbe failnre, surveying by geological radar is used to certain the degree and the region of theloosened soil. Remedial measures are adopted in time to ensure tlie excavating of the foulldationand tLe safety of structures.
He Xiuan
1997, 11(3): 41-43.
In the region of the high slope of left bank of wuqiangxi hydropower sta-tion, the geological condition is very complicted. the rock fractured,fault, joint and fissure aredeveloped. Tie engineering has stopped severaI times. It is nesessary to treat the high slope of leftbank. Tlrough meticulously design and construction, the slope constrnction safely proceeded. Thecreep slope is comprehensively treated.slope, Creep
Cui Guoliang
1997, 11(3): 44-48.
Feng Yuguo
1997, 11(3): 49-52.
to counter the lacks of the grey related method,to select the objectivefunction accondng to extended generalized weighted distance,and advanced grey related method isdedheed by using Lagrange's method. The application of this method was introduced through tliewater quality evaIuation of 4 holes inQQiqihaer city.The results obtained are consistent with theresults by other methods.
Quan Jiping
1997, 11(3): 52-56.
This paper describes the liydrogeological conditions and environmental probl-ems in Chengdu area, and proposed some treatments to change them-
Wang Yongyue
1997, 11(3): 56-58,64.
This paper introduces the principles and sfeps of the general deformationmethod to analyse the stability of bench mark. And discusses tke snitable conditions through pra-ctical cases, and proposes some useful conclusions.
Huang Chengyong
1997, 11(3): 59-61.
This paper mainly introduted the supervision work in the engineering qualiticontrolling of topographic surveying of one factory. And given some preliminary experience to ref-erence.
Lin Suxiong
1997, 11(3): 61-64.