2000 Vol. 14, No. 4

Display Method:
A New Approach to Estimating Soil Parameters Optimizingly
2000, 14(4): 187-190.
It is very important to reasonably estimate soil parameters in study and analysis of soil engineering problems. Back analysis of soil parameters according to in-situ measurement is one sort of new methods for effectively estimating parameters. An approved genetic algorithm combined with FEM of Biot consolidation in back analyzing some dominant soil parameters of the double foundations of a hypothetical road embankment is proposed. The results shows very good.
Application of Grey Theory in Predicting Long-term Parameters of Compacted Cement-soil
2000, 14(4): 191-194,207.
The long-term parameters of compacted cement-soil are very important to compacted cement-soil pile composite foundation design.But it will take a long time to measure them by experiments,which often can't meet the needs of project design and computation.Based on strict mathematical analysis,this paper predicts the long-term parameters of compacted cement-soil by using Grey theory. The results show quite reliable.
Probability Analysis of Slope Failures and Its Application for the Stability Assessment of Yudonghe Landslide
2000, 14(4): 195-199.
The principle and method of probability analysis of slope failures are discussed. The probability analysis of Yudonghe landslide is exemplified.And the stability function used this slope is also performed.
Calculation Model and Its Parameter Research of Dapu Road Tunnel Acrossing River in Shanghai
2000, 14(4): 200-203.
Based on construction condition of Dapu road tunnel acrossing river in Shanghai,plate elements used to imitate tunnel lining, lane plate and vertical brace, as well as soil springs to imitate interaction between soil and tunnel,are put forword. According to the model founded, the corresponding calculation parameters are determined. Compared the model computed results with the in-site test results, the reasonable dependability of mechanic model and calculation parameters, and the correctness of calculation method are demonstrated, which provides reference for mechanical analysis of tunnel and underground structure that are constructed by shield-driven or mine method.
Research of Deformation Forecast models of Dam
2000, 14(4): 204-207.
In order to lessen the pressure of flood prevention of middle and down stream in Yangtze River, water level of Qingjiang Geheyan was more than 3 meters higher than normal water level in some times in August, 1998. The method to establish deformation forecast models of dam is introduced in detail by taking deformation observation datum of some monitor points of Qingjiang Geheyan dam.Finally, the effectiveness of this method is verified by a practical example.
Analysis of Contolling Error and Measure Precision of Tape-extensometer
2000, 14(4): 208-212.
The precision of tape-extensometer's constant tension is the main factor to affect measure precision. Through theoretical calculation and measure precision,it provides a reliable basis to determine the parameter of tape-extensometer's constant tension.Lastly,a technical approach to advance tape-extensometer's measure precision is pointed out.
Reinforced Effection of Deformation Modulus and Reinforced Direction of Reinforcement
2000, 14(4): 213-217.
The strength of reinforced soil is much influenced by deformation modulus and reinforced direction.A research and analysis of theory for this two factors by experiment is made.And some reference value for the application of structure of reinforced soil is given.
Reliability Analysis of Reinforced-Slope Stability
2000, 14(4): 218-221.
The model of reliability analysis on reinforced-slope stability and the probabilistic style of the essential variations have been established.The "JC" method is applied in reinforced-slope stability analysis.Combined with a pracical project, a series of analysis on reliability of the reinforced-slope stability is done.Some valuable results are concluded.
A New Way of the Reliability Analysis of Tunnel Structure
2000, 14(4): 222-225.
The problem in the tunnel structure reliability analysis by stress field is discussed. And the defect and difficulty of displacement application in the tunnel structure reliability analysis is analyzed. Then another new application is put forward.
Research of True Triaxial Test of Elastic Ratio and Posisson's Ratio of Silt Soil under A Special Stress Path
2000, 14(4): 226-229.
Keeping maximum principle stress and medium principle stress fixed and increasing minor principle stress is a potential stress path, such as the impounding of earth and stone dam and the backfilling of earthwork in practical projects, under which several groups of true triaxial tests about silt soil from Ningbo city are studied.The true triaxial test result indicates that the trend of elastic ratio and Poisson's rations is getting downwards with the increasing of minorprinciple stress.These phenomena and results are seldom considered in Duncan-Chang model applied widely in practical projects and finite-element method analysis.
Application of “Multi-layer DTM” Model in Dongmiaojia Slope
2000, 14(4): 230-233,237.
Based on the concept of "Multi-layer DTM" of slope,as an example of DongMiaoJia Slide,the modeling process of "Multi-layer DTM" Model and the geometry layer analysis of the slide are recommended detailedly.
Discussion on Bearing Capacity Difference of Natural Foundation and Pile Tip Resistence
2000, 14(4): 234-237.
Compared with soil destroyed pattern of vertical force and its controlled factor of bearing capacity,it is concluded that pile capacity and its tip resistence have some difference when soil with the same physical mecanic property is used as natural foundation and pile tip resistent layer.Whereas the middle weathering rod Stratum hasn't this property,that is to say it has the same bearing capacity and pile tip resistence.
Treatment of Pile Foundation Accident of A Certain Building with Twenty-Two Stories
2000, 14(4): 238-241,246.
The original foundation design of the building,the geologic site condition and pile foundation accident is described concisely.The treatment method and the effectiveness on the pile foundation accident is majorly illustrated.
Characterisitics of Radioactive Contaminated Soil and Its Decontamination Technology
2000, 14(4): 242-246.
The characteristics of depth distribution,particle size distribution,radioactivity distribution,and pollutant-soil co-existing forms is discussed.Some separating methods are introduced and a special engineering decontamination procedure is advanced for site.