2001 Vol. 15, No. 1

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The Techniqne of Soft Rope Surpporting Pile
2001, 15(1): 1-7.
Soft rope pile is a new style of slope supporting piles.It is placed some soft rope materials,such as reinforcing bar,copper bar or galvanized iron pipe into soil which is combined strictly with mortar or saturated mortar soil surrounding the pile.The top of pile is below the bottom of the pit or below the stable soil under compulated sliding surface.The top of the pile is linked for a whole with cement beam or anchor plate.The pile with the surrounding soil is composed a good 3-D high strenthy composite soil.
Effect of Seepage on Soil Shearing Strength
2001, 15(1): 8-10.
Shearing strength is one of the main indexes of soil.The existence of seepage through soil mass makes the shearing strength change (mainly become smaller) because of the mechanical,physical and chemical reaction of water flow.The quantitative effect of seepage on soil shearing strength is analyzed under several cases,in which the indexes of shearing strength φ and c,the effective stress and the shearing force are discussed.A calculation example is also given to show the obvious effect.
A New Design Concept of Composite Foundation Deformation Control
2001, 15(1): 11-13.
During the recent years,the composite foundation's deformation design is a difficult problem.A new design concept for composite foundation,whose kernel is to regulate the deformation of the base-bottom and the composite and to make them approximately equal,is put forward.The method to regulate the deformation of the base-bottom and the composite is to execute through regulating the piles' and the cushion's parameters,regulating the foundation's rigidity.As a complement of this new design concept,the developing procedure of DCDS,which is the briefcase of "composite foundation Deformation Control Design System",is described briefly.In order to develop and complete this new design concept,several important tasks are concluded and emphasized.
Research on The Second Failure Surface of Backfill Behind Retaining Wall With Gentle Back Surface
2001, 15(1): 14-17,48.
Based on soil plasticity and limit analysis theory,the second failure surface of backfill behind retaining wall with gentle back surface are studied from two view points of maximum active soil pressure and minimum resistive overturning safety factor,and it is further considered that the minimum resistive overturning safety factor is the best approach to studying the failure mechanism of backfill under complex back surface conditions of retaining structures.
Pile Load Transfering Function and Its Initially Appliction in Churning Driven Cast-in-place Pile in Xi'an District
2001, 15(1): 18-22.
Load transfering function is analyzed. Through research on some engineering materials, it is discovered that function of lateral resistence of churning driven cast-in-place pile in Xian satured loess area is comformed to hyperbola.Theory calculation method of the hyperloda parameters is discussed.Based on a project example,the method is proved reliable to calculate Q-s curve of single pile.
Transformation of Axisymmetric Vertical Drains into Plain Vertical Drains and Its Applications
2001, 15(1): 23-26.
The relationship of coefficients of permeability and geometry(drain spacing) between axisymmetric vertical drains and plain vertical drains is established,considering both well resistance and smear zone effects.Thus matching the two problems can be achieved by adjusting the geometry and the permeability of soil.The settlement of one PVD embankment of express road is predicted with finite element method of Biot theory,adopting modified Cambridge model(MCM).The predicted results show close to the measurements.
Engineering Properties of Loess Salted Soil and Its Foundation Treating Methods
2001, 15(1): 27-30.
Loess salted soil are distributed over the Northwestern areas in China.Based on the project examples,the engineering properties of loess salted soil are discussed.The emphasis problems in exploration and design to loess salted soil foundation are pointed out.Relevant foundation treating methods are suggested to enhance project safe.
Study on Foundation's Bearing Capacity of Swelling Soil in Hefei
2001, 15(1): 31-33.
By analysis comparatively of the in-situ testing data, the relation among foundation's bearing capacity of swelling soil in Hefei, moisture content in nature, data of the static cone penetration testing and standard penetration testing is proposed.
A Summary of Some Environmental Geotechnical Engineering Problems in Hubei Province
2001, 15(1): 34-37.
Environmental geotechnical engineering is a new developing subject in the recent ten years.It is also a very important sulject for people to survive and develope.Based on some materials and engineering practice in our country,some environmenlta geotechnical engineering problems in main cities in Hubei Province are comprehensively introduced.
A Fuzzy Optimal Theory Model Comprehensive Evaluating Bracing Deep Foundation Pit Program
2001, 15(1): 38-40.
With constructing objective function by using the rule of extensive minimum two-multiplication, a fuzzy optimal theory model of comprehensive evaluation to bracing deep foundation pit program is established.By taking 4 kinds of program which will be used in a certain square as an example,its application is introduced and compared to the results achieved by other methods.
Safety Monitor Model Used in South Tower Foundation of Jiangyin Bridge
2001, 15(1): 41-44.
The south tower foundation of Jiangyin Bridge is located at gentle high slope.The foundation rock is composed of layered sand stone & shale.It is used ineffective treatment at the top 20 meters of the foundation piles.The composition of safty monitor web and monitor position are described.The axial force respectively at tip of the piles,at bottom of the ineffective frictional area,in the rock and the outside monitor model for deformation are established.Combined with monitor data,safty of the foundation is assessed.
Reliability Analysis of a Part of Foundation Soil in Qinshen High Speed Railway
2001, 15(1): 45-48.
Reliability analysis of a part of foundtaion soil in the construction of Qinshen high speed railway is made.The problem that the field geology condition doesn't accord with the exploration data is rationally solved.In the course of analysis,the foundation soil reliability is studied on the basis of the reliability of the whole structure.So the designing safety margin of the foundation soil can be quantificationally accounted.
Calculation Example of Belled Pier Cast-in-place Piles of Hand Dugging
2001, 15(1): 49-52.
According to the engineering practice, the bearing capacity of single pile is calculated.The bearing capacity of composite foundation pile is checking computated.
Analysis of Compacting Effect in the Forming Process of Ramming Expanded Piles
2001, 15(1): 53-56.
Compacting effect is caused in forming process of ramming expanded piles.Based on the columm cavities expansion method,the compacting effect radius and lateral displacement of sands around piles in the forming process of expanded heads are deduced.The caculated results are applied to analyze a practical case.
Application of Lime Pile and High Compress Forcing Pulp Method Used in Rectifying and Reinforcing Foundation
2001, 15(1): 57-60.
A certain hall is demaged by water. Lime pile and high compress forcing pulp are used to reinforce fhe settled foundation.
Maintenance Problems of Computer in Dialy Work
2001, 15(1): 61-62.