2003 Vol. 17, No. 1

Display Method:
The Effective Stress Formula Depend on the Void Water in Unsaturated Soils and Its Parameters' Quantification
WANG Wei-chuan, NAN Ya-lin
2003, 17(1): 1-4.
Considering the hysteresis of water's retention curve,proposing a new formula of the effective stress in unsaturated soils based on the analysis that the effect of suction is different by the form of void water,providing a method to calculate the parameters in this formula. The formula can explain the collapse behavior and swelling behvior of unsaturated soils and can degenerate to the effective stress formula in saturated soils when the soil is saturated.
The Technolgy of High Pressure Jet Grouting Water-tight Screen in Deep Foundation Pit
ZHAO Chun-fu, GAO Ming-jiu, XUE Zheng-jian
2003, 17(1): 5-10.
With the engineering of high pressure jet grouting water-tightscreen in the foundation pit of Wuhan Jianyin Building, introducing the application of the high pressure jet grouting technology in the water-tight screen. The key to success of the water-tight screen is:peculiar projection, correct construction method, perfect construction management and quality assurance system.
Further Study on Calculating Method of Piping Leakage
TENG Kai, KANG Bai-ying
2003, 17(1): 11-15.
In the initial stage of piping, looking the permeable nearby piping site as isotropy and homogineous, deducing a formula by the theory of well flow, which can calculate the volume of flow and the areas of critical surface and destroy surface. On the basis of analyzition and comparation, this formula's feasibility is proved.
Protection and Control for the Landslide of High Filling Soid on Sloping Base of the Airport in Mountain Region
JIANG Zhong-xin
2003, 17(1): 16-18,38.
The airport engineering in mountain region is very great, and its geological condition is complex. The stability and landslide control of high filling soil on sloping base are key technical problems in construction.Through protecting and controling some landslides in initial stage and final stage,some experiences and lessons of survey and design are gained.
The Advance and Review on Frozen Soil Geotechnics of Qing zang Plateau
ZHU Wei-dong, LEI Hua-yang
2003, 17(1): 19-23.
The frozen soil has very special engineering geological properties,which is widely distributed in the Qingzang plateau of China.Recently,due to the economic development, tourism, national defense construction and traffic increase, some construction has been constructed on the frozen soil.Therefore,most of the engineers have met the very complicated engineering geology and geotechnical problems of frozen soil. The mechanics properties, ground treatment and environment variation of frozen soil are summarized. It will be a good prospect of frozen soil research. It is useful to engineering construction in permafrost areas of China, especially to Qinghai Tibet Raiway.
The Major Factors on Construction Stability of Foamed Light Soil Materials and Laboratory Tests
GU Huan-da, GU Xi
2003, 17(1): 24-27.
The foamed light soil materials are newly soil materials and show wide application prospects in soft ground improvement or decrease in earth pressure and others. The major impact factors on the construction stability of foamed light soil materials are discussed and some measures are presented for the improvement of construction stability, it will be valuable for the actual utilization of foamed light soil materials in future.
The Experimental Study of Factors Influencing Mechanical Properties of Reinforced Cemented-Soil
YU Ning, ZHU He-hua
2003, 17(1): 28-33.
Being possessed of a low strength, the cemented-soil pile usually is not used in retaining structure. Through analyzing the experimental results of reinforced cemented-soil, it is shown that the reinforced cemented-soil beams have a higher capacity to resist bending load than pure cemented-soil piles and the adhesive bond strength is enough to avoid relative slippage between steel and cemented-soil at certain cement content ratio.This study provides experimental foundations for reinforced cemented-soil being used into practice.
Research on Secondary Consolidation of Soft Clay
YU Xin-bao, LIU Song-yu, MOU Lin-chang
2003, 17(1): 34-38.
In order to study the properties of soft soil, the 1-D consolidation-creep test has been completed. The effect of the secondary consolidation on the consolidation process is analyzed. Treating the saturated soft clay as viscoelastic body, a new method of separation of the secondary consolidation and primary consolidation is proposed. Some interesting conclusions concerning the effect of secondary consolidation are drawn from the test results.
The First Application of Vibrated Flyash Composite Foundation in Dalian
CHANG Ju-you
2003, 17(1): 39-43.
The vibrated composite foundition is used in flyash stratum by a new technology. Its feasibility and economy are proved in practice.
Study on the Design Parameter of Bearing Capacity in Composite Foundation with Cement Powder Spraying Pile
ZHANG Jun-sheng, HU You-chang
2003, 17(1): 44-46.
Through model experiment, researching the strength variation of the inter-pile soils when the cement powder spraying pile is used to consolidate the highway soft foundation,amending some parameters in bearing capacity formula of the cement powder spraying pile composite foundation at the industrial and civil construction code, making reference for the cement powder pile composite foundation design in the highway construction.
Experimental and Theoretic Studies on the Law of Load Transter of Large-Diameter Pile
XIAO Hong-bin, LIU Jie, WANG Yong-he
2003, 17(1): 47-50.
Using direct shear friction and consolidation test to determine the load transfer parameters of soil surrounding the pile in different depth or beneath the pile tip, based on the theory of pile soil interaction, the relationship of load settlement and the law of load transfer have been studied. A new nondestructive method that combination with indoor test and theoretic analysis is presented. Comparision is made between the results obtained by the proposed method and the lo ad test data and close agreement has been found, thus verifying the reliability of the proposed method.
The Engineering Practice of Stopping Driver Pile by the Reference Pressure in Static Driven Pile Construction
CHI Xu-quan, JIN Shu-jie
2003, 17(1): 51-54.
With the engineering of Beijing Mingyuan Project, introducing how to determines topping driven pile by the reference standard of pressure in the static driven pile construction.
WU Meng-xi, LU Xiao-bing
2003, 17(1): 55-55.
JIANG Zhong-xin
2003, 17(1): 56-56.
A New Technology by Using Low-Ground Heat——Ground Source Heat Pump Technology
LIU Dong-sheng, SUN You-hong
2003, 17(1): 57-59.
Ground Source Heat Pump Technology is a new type technology by using low ground heat. Introducing the principle and character of GSHP,futher discussing the key techniques and the problems confronted of GSHP.
Application of Decision-making Theory in Engineering
JIA Chao, LIU Ning
2003, 17(1): 60-62.
There are Many uncertain factors caused risk in engineering construction. How to reduce the risk and at the same time how to make the construction expense minim um, these are important questions. Decision-making theory gives the answer. EU V (expected utility value) criteria is used in decision-making to choice the foundation type case and calculate the cost of experiment in three situations, and an example case is given.