1998 Vol. 12, No. 4

Engineering Technology for Deep Excavation
Comparison betweern Two Kinds of Foundation-pit Design Methods
WU Xing-chun
1998, 12(4): 3-8.
One of the main reasons leading to foundation pit failure is that the design method is not suitable. In order to solve the problem, a methodology for foundation-pit modeling is described. Based on the methodology, both limit equilibrium analysis and numerical modeling one are compared. Their advantages and limitation are proposed. Finally, an actual foundation-pit project is modeled. The simulating results of two kinds of methods are compared. The results show that numerical modelling method can better reveal the laws of stress and deformation for foundation-pit than limit equilibrium one.
Living Example of Nonuniform Settlement nearby Buildings Arisen from Pit Excavation and Precipitation
LU Pei-yi, GU Xiao-lu
1998, 12(4): 9-11.
A 8. 0(m) deep excavation is constructed without any protection immediately adjacent to the building. Because of precipitation the nonuniform settlement for the existing building is brought about when the strength of soil body reduces after the excavation and rain. According to the actual observation, the affected area for ground settlement arisen form precipitation is about 1. 5 times of well depth, the affected area arisen form no-protecting excavation is 3~4 times of pit-depth, and the deformation of soil mass further increases with the reduction of its strength after rain.
CAO Shu-tang, SUN Yan-lin, WANG Xiao-jin, LIU Zhang-song
1998, 12(4): 12-15.
Protecting Technique by Shotcrete-anchor-mat for Deep Excavation of Tall Building
YANG De-qiang
1998, 12(4): 16-19,30.
The shotcrete-anchor-mat reinforcement is a new protecting technique for tall building foundation-pit. It gives a new design and construction approaches for deep excavation based on the basic principle,design calculation, engineering constructions and so on. It is proved that is reliable in technique, quick in construction, low in construction cost. This technique will have a wide landscape of development in the future.
Ground Treatment Technology
Discussion on Determination of Bearing Capacity for Load Test and Its Testing Method
QIAO Lai-jun, JI Shen-tang
1998, 12(4): 20-23.
How to determine the bearing capacity for foundation-pit by the plate loading test is discussed, and its testing method and data processing are discussed, too.
Application of Foundation Underpinning by Precompressed Pile in High-rise(Continuation)
CHEN Guo-zheng
1998, 12(4): 24-26.
Constructing Test on Dynamic Compaction Soil-cement Pile in Saturated Soft Soil
LIU Huan-cun, ZHANG Bao-hua
1998, 12(4): 27-30.
Based on the analysis of experimental result for a project, the mechanical properties of dynamic compaction cement-soil pile composite foundation are expounded. The technical economic features and applied values for construction are given for dynamic compaction cement-soil pile in the saturated soft soil.
Discussion on Load Transfer Method to Calculate Settlement of Individual Pile
YANG Ji-bao
1998, 12(4): 31-33.
Based on the discussion for the present methods to calculate the displacement of pile top with load transfer method, some views to correct some confusing viewpoints are presented, and the load transfer method is improved.
Reason for Wall-body Crack of Buildings in Both Sides of Road
SHAO Shui-song, XU Zhi-jian
1998, 12(4): 34-36,44.
The reason leading to crack of buildings in both sides of road is that deep excavation earthwork for its retaining wall and its dead weight and vehicle vibration have something to do with the factors, such as the structure of building and so on.
Application of Forcing Pulp Technique in Pile Foundation of Bridge
TAN Rong-ming
1998, 12(4): 37-39.
According to the engineering practice, how to make use of technology of forcing pulp, as the bridge pile foundation and coffered foundation are under construction, is discussed.
Strengh and Deformation Features of Compaction Siol-cement Pile
JIANG Bin-sheng, LI Hong-yi
1998, 12(4): 40-44.
The compaction soil-cement pile is a method of foundation treatment developed in a recent few years. The applied condition of soil-cement pile, the regular pattern of strength change for pile shaft with the different gradation and the deformation features of soil-cement pile are expounded.
Survey Technology
Study of Mechanical Properties for High Compaction Expansiv Soil
SHEN Zhen-yao, DONG Wei, LI Guo-ding
1998, 12(4): 45-46,55.
The expansive soil is a final man-made shield——basement material of cushion in underground site to treat waste with heavy radioactive. How its mechanical properties under high compaction is the vital to the long term safety of underground handling site. The results of uniaxial and triaxial tests for high compaction expansive soil with the different moisture content show that it has the no-recoverable plastic deformation, and the fixed mechanical strength and the good ductility.
Data Processing on Experiment of Liquidplastic Limit by A computer
SHENG Hai-yang, LUO Quan-sheng
1998, 12(4): 47-49.
Based on the data experimented by the analytic method to calculate liquid limit and plastic one, they are drawn up the QBASIC programme, and the programme is processed by a computer. This method to determine liquid limit and plastic one is convenient, quick, accurate.
Design and Application on Counter-force Beam of 5000kN Anchor Pile
YAO Jin-ying
1998, 12(4): 50-52.
The design and manufacture of experimental device for counter-force beam of 5000kN anchore pile and its application in engineering and the improvement on relative testing apparatuses are introduced.
Excavation Monitoring for Foundation Pit at Jinmao Mansion(Continuation)
ZHOU Gan, CAO Yong-lu, FENG Yu-shan
1998, 12(4): 53-55.
Jidui Method of Appraisal of Engineering Survey Precision
GONG Shi-liang
1998, 12(4): 56-59.
Jidui analysis is a new theoretical method to treat unfixed problems, and applied to precision appraisal and error analysis in engineering survey.
Information Report
Application of New Technology from Domestic and Abroad in Soil Engineering Test
1998, 12(4): 60-63.