2002 Vol. 16, No. 4

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Field Test on Multi-branch Squeezed Cast-in-site Pile in Soft Clay
2002, 16(4): 187-190.
Due to high bearing capacity of single pile,multi-branch squeezed cast-in-site pile is used more and more abroad in pile foundation. Based on field test, the load transmission characteristic of multi-branch pile and load transfer mechanic of load-bearing disk is studied.
Analysis of the Secondly Consolidation Settlement with Embankment Load
2002, 16(4): 191-194,233.
Taking the results of the settlement of the test on the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Qusai-High-speed Railway for example, analyzing the ways of calculation on secondly consolidation settlement in our country now. With the high after settlement standard, the secondly consolidation settlement should be taken account.
Application of Vibrating Wire Settlement Profiler in Distortion Observing of Embankment Construction on the Soft Ground
2002, 16(4): 195-197.
The Model 4651 Settlement Profiler is adopted, which can audio-visually measure the heave or settlement of all points on the profile. Introducing fundamentals, method, data processing and the advantages of which used to observe the distortion of embankment coustruction on the soft ground.
Several Problems on Bearing Capacity in the Design of Composite Foundation with Rigid Pile
2002, 16(4): 198-200.
Discussing a series of problems about bearing capacity calculation in the design of composite foundation with rigid pile,such as the bearing capacity put forward by architecture engineer,the calculation method of bearing capacity and the amendment of bearing capacity.
Foundation Optimization of A Highrise Building in Beijing——Analysis and First Application of Composite Foundation with Cast-in-place Plain Concrete Pile Driven by Auger Rig
2002, 16(4): 201-204,237.
Introducing the first application of composite foundation with cast-in-place plain concrete pile driven by auger rig in Beijing, comparing it with prefabricated reinforced concrete piled foundation and other composite foundation,analyzing it from the aspects of economics,technique,construction and project time.
the Reliability of Quick Consolidated Test
2002, 16(4): 205-208.
The reliability of Quick consolidated test on Silty clay using both Standard consolidated test and Quick consolidated test methods is studied.The test result shows that Quick consolidated test can meet the requirement of usual project under the conventional increment of pressure.
Experimental Research on the Soft Foundation of Culvert Treated with Vacuum Preloading in Combination with Heaped-Load Preloading
2002, 16(4): 209-213.
Taking the results of the test on the soft foundation of culvert treated with vacuum preloading in combination with heaped-load preloading on the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Qusai-High-speed Railway for example, analyzing settlement of the soft foundation, comparing the results with that of sole heaped-load preloading, comparing the physical and mechanical parameters after being treated and before, and studying the deformation of the soft foundation of culvert, etc.
An Engineering Case of Reinforcing Treatment on Foundation of Tomb Pit in Loess Area
2002, 16(4): 214-219.
Reinforcing treatment on foundation of tomb pit in loess area was brief introduced in this paper and the design of composite foundation with drilling ram-expanded gravel piles was generally narrated, by an engineering case of reinforcing treatment on that foundation, the results of reinforcing treatment on this foundation was analysed herein and problems existing on that was made. This will be reference worthy on reinforcing treatment of the foundation like this.
Discussion on Treatment for the Foundation in Artificial Fill of AnJu Project in Jinzhou
2002, 16(4): 220-223.
Treatment of the foundations in artificial fill is discribed. The treatment method is select ed by different geologic site couditions. Dynamic consolidation is majorly illustrated.
the Application of Manual Excavating Pile in Permeable Foundation
2002, 16(4): 224-228.
Introducing the successful experience of manual excavating pile under different hydrogeological condition by adopting different wall protection measure. Giving some advices about how to adopt the manual excavating pile in the permeable foundation.
the Discussion of Design Method About Half-rigid Pile Foundation Under Vertical Loads
2002, 16(4): 229-233.
Through comparing the actual test data of some projects with the existing code,studying the design method of half-rigid pile foundation,in order to make the design result approach the test data mostly.
Analysis of the Effect on Vertical Bearing Capacity of Prefabricated Single Pile Constructed by Static Pressure and Hammer-Driven Sunken Pile Pressure in Tianjin District
2002, 16(4): 234-237.
Based on the experiemental research and engineering practice, Summarizing and analyzing the code of JGJ 94-94 in order to use and design reasonably static pressure prefabricated pile. It shows that the vertical bearing capacity of prefabricated pile according to the 《Specification for Pile Foundation of Building》(JGJ 94-94) is more less than that of practial test pile according to static loading test.
the Discussion for Construction of Twist Drill-Concrete Pump Piles
2002, 16(4): 238-240.
Analyzing the quality problems in construction of twist drill-concret pump piles,puting forward some control ways.
the Perspective in New Century for Dynamic Pile Testing Techniques
2002, 16(4): 241-244.
Dynamic testing approaches to piles are briefly reviewed. Some important subjects on the dynamic pile testing to be solved are presented and the corresponding proposals are given for further studies. Moreover, in several aspects, the emphases herein are placed on the perspective for future development of dynamic pile testing techniques.
Application of the Water-jetting Method for Building Wall in Strengthening the Changjiang Main Dike of Wuhan
2002, 16(4): 245-249.
The method of Water-jetting for building wall is a new developing technique for processing underground engineering. The slotting is made by means of hitting,water-jetting and pump suction reverse circulation. The technique has many advantages. Its predominant characters are discussed through analyzing the engineering of strengthening the Chang jiang main dike of WuHan.