2005 Vol. 19, No. 2

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Analysis of Non-linear Distribution of Earth Pressure on the Back of Balance Weight Retaining Wall
Zong Quanbing, Dai Zihang, Liao Huomu
2005, 19(2): 55-58.
A theoretical formula about the non-linear distribution of active pressure acting on the back of balance weight retaining wall has been deduced by researching the houizontal layer analysis.In fact,the general retaining wall and the broken segmental back wall can be looked as a special case of this formula.According to this formula, a general program for calculating non-linear earth pressure has been developed. By comparing the theoretical solution gained from the program with the result of testing a weight retaining wall,it indicates that the theoretical solution is practicable in calculating the active earth pressure on the back of retaining wall.
Application of Improved Gray-model in the Settlement Prediction of Roadbed Foundation
Liu Junyong, Xue Hui, Wu Dejun
2005, 19(2): 59-62,68.
The application of gray system theory in the settlement pr ediction of roadbed foundation is discussed.Some improvements on the restrictive equal model GM(1,1) are made and the nonrestrictive unequal inter val model is built.With the help of practical projects,the prediction results of the two kinds of models are also compared,it’s showed that the improved GM(1,1) has been more effective,suitable,and the out-come precision can meet the practical need even more.
Slope Stability Analysis Based on AutoCAD and FLAC
Xie Bin, Zhong Min, Chen Guangping
2005, 19(2): 63-68.
The realization and application of the slope stability analysis which based on AutoCAD and FLAC are introduced.
Analysis for Fractal Dimension of Granularity of Weathered Residual Granite
Chen Zhuitian, Zhuang Jinli, Zhou Chuanxin
2005, 19(2): 69-71.
Taking a engineering site in Xiamen for example, the distributed granularity of the weathered residual granite is studied. The result shows that it has the character of fractal dimension, the higher degree of weathering, the bigger fractal dimension and the fractal dimension could reflect the grain thickness and the distributed gradation. In the end, the fractal dimension of granularity could be used to be as an index to plot the weathered strip and evaluate mechanical property and permeability.
Application of Rosenblueth Method in the Reliability Analysis of Soil Slope's Stability
Wang Liuyang
2005, 19(2): 72-74.
As a simple and new calculation method of reliability index,Rosenblueth method dosen’t need to know the probability distribution of all kinds of st ate variable.Only by the averages and variance of state variable we can get the reliability index of soil slopes,and the calculate accuracy meet precision demands.Rosenblueth method dosen’t need to calculate much data and is easily handed by computer.The fundamental principle of Rosenblueth method have been presented in detail. We use the FORTRAN language to write the calculator program and prove its advantage by comparison.It’s a method that is worthy of applicating in the engineering practice.
The Micro-structure Characteristic of Compacted Soils and Its Influence on Soils' Engineering Property
Zhao Changzhou, Wang Hui, Yang Weimin
2005, 19(2): 75-79,97.
Through researching the micro-structure of Soils treated by dynamic consolidation method,the deformation mechanism of soils being compacted is ex plained from micro-structure.
Experimental Study on Compound Technique of Perforating in Coal Seams
Luo Yong
2005, 19(2): 80-83.
Compound technique of perforating can dffectively control the perforating eirection and the fracturing expansion.The feasibility of this technique used in fracturing in coal is analyzed.The experiments of perforating and fracturing are carried out on samples of coal and the experimental effects are satisfactory.Compound technique of perforating and fracturing is promising in coal.
Analysis of Hole Wall Stability in Horizontal Directional Drilling in Soft Soils Area
Li Bin, Li Julong, Zhou Lingling
2005, 19(2): 84-86.
By analyzing elastic-plastic state of horizontal soft soils hole wall,the stress state of the horizontal soft soils hole wall und er the earth pressure and the lama pressure are both analyzed,and the conception of the best lama pressure is pointed out.This study can supply the reference in practice of horizontal directional drilling.
Model Testing Analysis on Nonlinear Behavior of Piles Foundation
Zhang Henian, Tang Jingsong, He Liming
2005, 19(2): 87-92.
Through the comparison of the model test results and the numerical analysis, the loading transfer mechanism of pile in four-pile foundation is summarized, the back pressure characteristic of the cap and the additional pressure distribution in the soil are depicted, and the load sharing behavior of piles and soil is compared. By the analysis of the tests results, the conclusion is drawn as follows: the resist and strengthening action of piles in piles-soil-cap inte raction are proved by tests results; the pile shows a nonlinear working behavior before the soil turn into nonlinear working period. The tests results not only va lidate some aspects of the suppositions of the composite pile foundation theory, but also provide the proof for further research.
Theoretical Research on the Relationship between in situ Stress Field and the Layout of Tunnel
Zhang Yanxin, Cai Meifeng, Ouyang Zhenhua
2005, 19(2): 93-97.
In situ stress is one of the basic parameters for the stability of surrounding rock and the design of support structure.The algorithm of in situ stress is presented in detail.Based on the site measurement results,the correlations of the in situ stress field with the layout of tunnel and its failure mode are analyzed in this area,which are important to the determination of the advancement direction of roadway and the supporting scheme.
Comparison of Limit Equilibrium Method and Finite Element Method on Rock Slope Stability Analysis
Sun Zengkui, Tong Haitao
2005, 19(2): 98-100.
Based on an engineering example,stability of a highway rock slope is analysized by limit equilibrium method and finite element method.The difference between the two methods above is expatiated and some advices are put forward.
Environmental Protection and Groundwater Resource′s Rational Use in Dewatering Constrution
Zhong Shiguo
2005, 19(2): 101-105.
The important and universal problem in city is la ck of water resources. But a host of facts is wasting of valuable groundwater re sources in city construction. So one of the important issue in city development is solving the problem between construction dewatering and environmental protection.Combining with engineering practice in zhengzhou,the environmental protection and rational use of groundwater resources in dewatering construction are discussed.
Analysis on the Result of Bearing Capacity Test of CM-pile Composite Foundation
Shi Qibin
2005, 19(2): 106-109.
Through the analysis on the result of bearing capacity test of CM-pile composite foundation, some profitable conclusions are obtained, which can offer some references for the application and spread of CM-pile in Xuzhou area.