2006 Vol. 20, No. 1

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Research for Dike Section Risk Evaluation System Based on Fuzzy Consistency Theorem as Well as Analytic Hierarchy Process
WANG Ya-jun, WU Chang-yu, REN Da-chun
2006, 20(1): 1-8.
Dike construction risk evaluation system and risk evaluation definition model are settled down with the analysis of dike construction hierarchy as well as fuzzy character, Inclusive of Fuzzy Conststency Theorem and Analytic Hierarchy Process, with the definition of fuzzy consistency space, weight reverse analysis math model is realized. By the mnclusion of dike construction system risk evaluation for prefortification situation, dike bank safety constmetion risk grade is ranked for representative bank safety construction, by which, dike system risk evaluation for post-fortification situation is covered according to local fortification and integral fortification.
Field Measurements and Theoretical Analysis on Internal Force of Composite Soil-nailing at Zhongshiyou Foundation Pit
YANG Yao-hui, MA Xin, ZHOU Yu-qi
2006, 20(1): 9-12.
The internal force t scheme of pile-anchor composite soil nailing is described and applied to the deep foundation pit of Zhongshiyou building. A field investigation and data collection is carried out to monitor the performance of this type of composite soil nailing. The force behaviors of composite soil nailing during construction and in service are further investigated based on field measttrements.
The Research on Safety Analysis of Slope With Phi-C Reduction Method Adopting the Mohr-Coulomb Criterion
LIN Xiao-gu, ZONG Quan-bing
2006, 20(1): 13-16.
A program for finite element analysis is devdoped after completing the theory research of the phi-c reduction algorithm for applying the finite element method to the slope stability. At the same time, a standard examination question and an example are executed to verify the program and the method. According to the results of compafing with the traditional limit equilibrium analysis, it ks clearly shown that the phi-e reduction method based on the Molr-Coulomb criterion is a reliable and proper analysis method using FEM.
Momentum Backpropagation for the Settlement Prediction of Subgrade Construction
HE Ming-xia, WANG Lian-jun
2006, 20(1): 17-20,28.
The method of Momentum Backpropagation is employed on the prediction of railway subgrade construction. Combined with the concreted example of actual subgrade engineering, the BP neural network model for settlement prediction of roadbed in the railway is founded. The predicting results indicate that the model proposed can gain higher precision, which provides a new way for settlement prediction of the railway roadbed.
Application of Cubic Spline Interpoliation in Asaoka's Method
ZHANG Cheng-liang, LIU Xiao-quan
2006, 20(1): 21-24.
Whether the engineering quality of the highway constructed on the soft soil foundation can be guaranteed mainly lies in the correct prediction of settlement of raft ground foundation. Asaoka's method is an early method using observational settle ment to predict further settlement, it is simple and based on theory, so Asaoka's method is essentially different from other methods. This is the reason why.so many scholars study on it. This article analyzes the basic theory and deduces the results of settlement, and make use of the cubic spline interpoliation to deal with the observational settlement of not uniform interval, the results indicate that this method is feasible.
Study on Stemming Length in Hole-charged Blasting
LUO Yong, SHEN Zhao-wu
2006, 20(1): 25-28.
According to blasting theory and stress theory, stemming mechanism and movement of stemmed material in blasting are analyzed and the exprexsion of length of stemmed material is deduced. The blasting experiment with different stemming length is carried out and the experimental results show the theoretical derivation and analysis are correct, h will supply parameters design of blasting with the theoretical gist.
Application Research on Composite Foundation in Beijing
ZHAO Jie-wei, WANG Zhi-zhi, SHANG Run-xiang
2006, 20(1): 29-32.
The collapsibility is controlled when the new refilled.soil is reforced by tamped and enlarged pile. At the same time, the upper.sand liquefaction is controlled too. The foundation bearing capacity is improved by the interaction of CFG pile and tamped and enlarged pile.
Analysis on Underground Caves for 2D and 3D Model
HAN Fang, WANG Jun, HUANG Ke-jian
2006, 20(1): 33-35.
The analysis and calculation on underground caves is absolutely a 3D problem, but a 2D model is usually applied to substitute for the 3D model. This paper discusses the difference of the two models on the basis of Drucker-Prager Rule and a conclusion is achieved that the plastic region of 2D model is bigger than 3D model.
Prediction of Shear Strength Parameters c & φ of Soil by BP Neural Networks
ZHANG Gao-feng, LIANG Bin-qiao, CHEN Hui-qin
2006, 20(1): 36-38,44.
Based on the artificial neural network(ANN), the method for prediction of shear strength parameters c、φ of soil is presented. The predicting model in engineering is established in details. It is shown that the result of prediction is very close to the result of testing. So ANN would be widely used in the aspect of soil property parameters.
Applications of Inclinometer in Monitoring Deformations of Landslide
CHEN Kai-sheng, PENG Xiao-ping
2006, 20(1): 39-41.
This paper intrcvluem mainly inclinometer's principles and its applications in monitoring deformations of landslide. Its results are compared with drilling's results. Based on inclinometer's production curve, sliding surface and meachanism are concluded in a way, which provide important information for lanckslid's treatment. It is shown that inclinometers monitoring defonnations of landslide is practicable.
The Theoretical Analysis of Calculation for Jacking Forces in Pipe-Jacking Under the Condition of Mudstone
ZHAO Xu-feng, WANG Chun-miao, KONG Xiang-li
2006, 20(1): 42-44.
With the development of municipal engineering, pipe-jacking method is widely used. Considering in-situ test jacking force, calculation for jacking force is studied theoretically under the condition of mudstone, and jacking force calculation formulary is deduced by the linear regression.
Analysis of Ambiguous and Probability of Foundation Bearing Capacity Involved Correlation of Soil Parameter
FU Bing-xian, TANG Fei, ZHAO Feng
2006, 20(1): 45-47.
The fail of foundation is an ambiguous event. The factors, which affect on foundation bearing capacity, appear in spatial variability. The spatial variability of soil is describde by means of the theory of randcan field. Considering the oorreiations of itself and mutuality, it is found that the tcorrelations of soil parameters be important factors to the reliability of foudation bearing capacity.
Discuss On Design Methods of Gravel Pile Composite Foundation
LI Yan-jie, NIU Zhi-min
2006, 20(1): 48-50,55.
By the comparison and analysis of composite foundation of gravel pile for bearing capacity and anti-liquefaction design, a new design method including bearing capacity and anti-liquefaction is presented.
Accident Analysis of a Foundation Pit Shoring in Anshan
ZHANG Wei-zheng
2006, 20(1): 51-55.
The design parameters and relnforeing measures of a foundation pit shoring in Anshan are discussed, The reason of accident and dangerous situation is analysed. Experience and lesson of design and construction of foundation pitts shoring in Anshan are summed up.